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Photshop CS6 Video "how to's"?

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Re: Photshop CS6 Video "how to's"?

Postby ChancyRat » Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:43 pm

Bob wrote:I hadn't seen that video before, but it hits the mark. I've done similar things.

If you just want to export a single frame, you don't need to change the length. That had more to do with setting up the masking example. The key is moving the CTI to the frame that you want to copy and export. Collapse the video group as shown in the video, then ctrl+a to select the entire image, ctrl+c to copy the image to the clipboard, and then ctrl+v to paste it. It will appear in the layers palette and on the timeline at the cti location. You can export the single frame or use it in the video as desired.

Sorry I had omitted Ctrl-c!
She moved the CTI to the first frame of the video clip, but she didn't say why she did that. Are you saying you don't need to do that? Just place the CTI on any frame anywhere in the clip, close the video group, and proceed to Ctrl-a, Ctrl-c, Ctrl-v?
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Re: Photshop CS6 Video "how to's"?

Postby Bob » Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:00 am

Are you saying you don't need to do that? Just place the CTI on any frame anywhere in the clip, close the video group, and proceed to Ctrl-a, Ctrl-c, Ctrl-v?

I left out an important step. If you do it this way, the clip that you want to capture the frame from needs to be selected at the time you do the ctrl-c. When you close the video group, the selection is lost. So, the order is: Open the video group if it isn't already open. Move the cti anywhere in the clip. Click on the clip underneath the cti to select it. Press ctrl+a, press ctrl+c, then close the video group and press ctrl+v.

Here's another way to do it that's quicker and easier. Select the video group layer in the layers palette. It doesn't matter if the video group is open or closed as long as the video group layer is highlighted. Move the cti anywhere in the clip. Press ctrl+shift+alt+e to create a new layer containing the image. This technique also works if the video layers are not in a video group -- select the topmost layer, position the cti, and press ctrl+shift+alt+e.
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Re: Photshop CS6 Video "how to's"?

Postby ChancyRat » Sat Sep 20, 2014 10:53 am

Here's another way to do it that's quicker and easier. Select the video group layer in the layers palette. It doesn't matter if the video group is open or closed as long as the video group layer is highlighted. Move the cti anywhere in the clip. Press ctrl+shift+alt+e to create a new layer containing the image. This technique also works if the video layers are not in a video group -- select the topmost layer, position the cti, and press ctrl+shift+alt+e.

Lovely! Just tested this. I see one does not need to highlight the entire video group layer first. That can come before or after you find the frame you want to make into an image.

This is really nice. I wonder why it's not a prominent demo tutorial on every photoshop site!
Thanks! :exc:
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Re: Photshop CS6 Video "how to's"?

Postby ChancyRat » Thu Oct 02, 2014 12:37 pm

Another question as I delve into doing video in Photoshop:
Is it possible to animate text?
In PE one could apply, e.g., "fly-in", etc.

I'm thinking not possible, but then I may not know Photoshop well enough to find the trick.
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Re: Photshop CS6 Video "how to's"?

Postby Bob » Thu Oct 02, 2014 1:27 pm

Yes, you can animate text. In the timeline, you can set key frames for transform properties, opacity, layer styles, and warp text properties. Position the cti to the location you want, change the properties the way you normally do and set a key frame. If you have CS6 extended, you can even extrude text and do it in 3D.


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Re: Photshop CS6 Video "how to's"?

Postby ChancyRat » Thu Oct 02, 2014 4:16 pm

Thank you Bob. I wonder if my example was a poor one. I see in your neat illustration, you have fly-in, which I guess is moving the location of the text. Panning?

The animation effect I'm really thinking of is wiggling in place. Can't remember what it was in PE. The text is distorted in a wave shape. I was hoping the wave would - undulate up and down like a wave, briefly, before stopping.

That's not a panning or simple movement across. How might I achieve that?
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Re: Photshop CS6 Video "how to's"?

Postby Bob » Thu Oct 02, 2014 5:16 pm

At present, not all effects can be key framed in Photoshop. It would be nice if you could use filter>distort>wave, but filters can't be key framed. That's one area where video editing programs excel. The warp text effect can be key framed and it has a wave preset. If you use that, you would need to set up a series of key frames on the text layer and adjust the parameters for the shape of the text at those key frames. When played back, the settings will be smoothly interpolated between key frames. By careful choice of the key frame locations and warp text settings, you can make it appear to undulate and die down. Tedious, but it can be done.

Here's a quick but not particularly great example. :-D

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Re: Photshop CS6 Video "how to's"?

Postby ChancyRat » Thu Oct 02, 2014 6:38 pm

Bobbb - ? Dummie over here. Is that image gif supposed to be something I could download and extrapolate the code... like, open in photoshop and actually use as a model?

Whenever I open a gif in PS, I see lots of layers which trace the movement over time, but I have no idea if I can edit, or how to re-generate a modified gif.

If not, I'll just stare a bit cross-eyed at you marvelous written instructions and hope I can extrapolate them to my brain.
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Re: Photshop CS6 Video "how to's"?

Postby Bob » Thu Oct 02, 2014 10:03 pm

No, the gif was just to illustrate a sample animation. You need the PSD file to see how it's put together. I didn't keep the original, but here's a similar one I just put together for you to look at.

When you open it in Photoshop, make sure the timeline window is displayed. Twirl open the text WAVE layer in the timeline so the key frame properties are shown. Notice all the key frames are on the Text Warp property line. Select the text layer in the layers panel and select the text tool. You can now add, delete, or modify the text warp key frames. If you position the cti over the key frames I added and click on the text warp icon in the tool bar you can see the values I used. Feel free to experiment: modify the values, add new key frames or shift the timeline locations of the existing ones to see how they affect the timing.
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Re: Photshop CS6 Video "how to's"?

Postby ChancyRat » Sat Oct 04, 2014 2:14 pm

Thank you BOB. You're the MAN. I've only just begun to play with it - So Fun! I had no idea....
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