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Project Properties in Sony Vegas Movie Studio 10

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Project Properties in Sony Vegas Movie Studio 10

Postby Chrismar » Wed Feb 27, 2013 6:48 am

Hi Steve,

Up until now, when editing video clips, my project properties are usually the PAL DV Widescreen (720x576, 25.000 fps). Once edited, I render to .avi and place all the rendered .avi clips collectively in a new project, with markers, for sending to DVD Architect via the Make Movie > burn to DVD option. I have burned many DVD’s (not Blue Ray) successfully this way. I realise that en route to DVDA, the video is re-rendered in the .mpeg format so am probably doubling up unnecessarily. The reason why I render to AVI is because the original video clips are in a variety of formats & from different cameras and it seems to work best if I keep things uniform.

However my own video camera (Sony HDR-CX550VE) films in HD and I would like the best possible result on DVD. When I place my footage on the timeline and select the ‘Match Media Settings’ in Project Properties, the template becomes HD 1080-50i (1920 X 1080, 25.000fps). I do have to do some editing, using the key frame function and I’ve noticed that it’s a bit sticky and slow to respond and part way into it, Vegas freezes and says 'Not Responding'. So I'm thinking of editing in the PAL DV Widescreen format and when finished, switch it back to the HD 1080-50i prior to sending to DVDA - would this cause any unforeseen problems?

I have done some testing and sent a video clip to DVDA in both the PAL DV Widescreen as well as the HD 1080-50i template and (unless I’m imagining things) the HD is sharper, but once burned to disc would the difference still be noticeable?

Two more questions please:-

1. My current project comprises 20 video clips all filmed in HD1080-50i. Should I edit each clip separately and render, and if so to what format?
2. Should I place all the video clips (20 in all) on the same time line, edit and then send to DVDA via the Make Movie > burn to DVD option as per normal.

My computer is a 64bit with plenty of ‘grunt’.

Many thanks

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Re: Project Properties in Sony Vegas Movie Studio 10

Postby Steve Grisetti » Wed Feb 27, 2013 9:08 am

I think you're best using a workflow similar to what you're doing.

1) Match your project settings to your video. This isn't going to give you a higher quality DVD necessarily, but it will allow the program to work most efficiently with your video. The lugging you're seeing is because you're editing AVCHD hi-def video, which can take a lot more power to work with. There's not much you can do about this except buy a faster computer. (Though it's worth noting that version 12 does a MUCH better job working with AVCHD, so that could be a better investment.) Nonetheless, as you say, you might be able to save yourself some struggles by editing shorter segments and then outputting DV-AVI from your project. You can then combine these segments in a project set up for DV Widescreen.
2) As for outputting to DVD Architect, there is NO advantage to sending an AVI to DVD Architect. Use the Main Concept MPEG2 Program Stream.
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Re: Project Properties in Sony Vegas Movie Studio 10

Postby Chrismar » Wed Feb 27, 2013 9:35 pm

Thank you very much for your response Steve. To wrap up, please would you mind clarifying the following for me:-

1. Re outputting to DVDA - is there any advantage to sending the video in HD1080-50i format to DVDA? Or is this only relevant if I'm burning to Blue Ray?

2. Considering what I'm doing, would you recommend upgrading to SVMS vs 12, or is vs10 adequate enough? It will be some time before I consider burning to Blue Ray but if, by using vs12 I can get better looking DVDs then I will certainly upgrade.

Thanks again for your advice - its much appreciated.

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Re: Project Properties in Sony Vegas Movie Studio 10

Postby Steve Grisetti » Thu Feb 28, 2013 8:12 am

Not only is there no advantage to sending a high-def file to DVD Architect when you're trying to create a DVD, it's really just a waste of time and energy since the program will need to downsample it anyway. You will ALWAYS get the best results and performance if the file you send to DVD Architect is as close as possible to the final file(s) the program will create.

You will not get better "quality" video by upgrading to version 12. But you will get better system performance -- particularly when working with hi-def and AVCHD and particularly on a Windows 7 64-bit machine.
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Re: Project Properties in Sony Vegas Movie Studio 10

Postby Chrismar » Fri Mar 01, 2013 4:54 am

Thank you so much for your advice Steve - cleared up a few things for me. As previously mentioned I do have a Windows 7 - 64bit computer so am now seriously considering upgrading to SVMS12. I have just ordered your Guide to help with my decision!

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Re: Project Properties in Sony Vegas Movie Studio 10

Postby Steve Grisetti » Fri Mar 01, 2013 8:15 am

Thanks for supporting the book, Chris! I'm sure you'll find version 12 a very nice upgrade.

Although it looks exactly the same as version 10, there really have been a tremendous number of performance improvements made under the hood. Especially with regards to AVCHD video.
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