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Vimeo vs. Youtube publishing settings

Specific to Premiere Elements version 13

Vimeo vs. Youtube publishing settings

Postby sadddletree » Sat Feb 20, 2021 10:28 pm

What is the difference between the Vimeo SD and the YouTube SD settings. We will put putting our long video up on Vimeo On Demand, but may want to post pieces on YouTube. Does it make much difference if we put the Vimeo SD up on YouTube?

Also, we do have PRE 15. Would those settings be better to publish with than 13, or are they no different. (I'm still using 13 because I'm more comfortable with it and we don't need to make a menu on this one, which was the issue with 13 so we needed to get 15 for that.)
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Re: Vimeo vs. Youtube publishing settings

Postby Steve Grisetti » Sun Feb 21, 2021 8:35 am

I'm not sure if there's a noticeable difference in quality re YouTube vs. Vimeo. Why not post a short video to each and compare? Otherwise, they're quite similar. Competitors even.

I'd recommend version 15 over version 13 for outputting your video. Output your video using Publish & Share/Devices/Computer 1920x1080 mp4.
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Re: Vimeo vs. Youtube publishing settings

Postby sadddletree » Sun Feb 21, 2021 8:10 pm

Thank you!
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