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Vegas Spot Filtering

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Vegas Spot Filtering

Postby steveeyes » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:12 am

Hello. My 2nd post.

I have movie studio Plat 11 -- I'm reading Steve's book but with my work schedule it may take me a while to get through the whole book. I'm sneaking a peek here on the forum while on break, but can't find what I'm looking for.

Hopefully I word my question properly.

If I have an event on my time line of an individual, is there a way to use filters just on the individual in the video. When I apply a FX it effects the whole video or frame -- what I'm looking for is being able to spot filter an individual within the frame. Let me give you an example.

In a frame I have a picture of a person. I would like to brighten or lighten the subjects face ONLY in the frame. However, I'm not sure if you can spot filter individuals within a frame or if you can, not sure how.

I'm thinking along the lines of photoshop where you can just select certain areas in a picture and make changes without effecting the other areas.

If possible, any guidance or clues on how to do this would be appreciated.

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Re: Vegas Spot Filtering

Postby Paul LS » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:58 am

I use Vegas Pro but I think most of the tools are similar. You need to put two instances of the clip on two tracks... one above the other

Method 1. In Vegas Pro you can select Pan/Crop for the upper clip and there is an option within the window to select the Mask tool. You can draw a mask around the region you want to apply the filter to. Then apply the required effect to the upper clip. The result is that the effect will only appear on the masked region, the rest of the frame will be untouched. You can keyframe the mask so that it follows a moving subject.

Method 2. Apply the Cookie Cutter tool to the upper clip. Select a shape and place it on the frame where you want the effect to appear. Apply the effect to the clip. Again, the effect will only be applied to the region where you have applied the cookie cutter shape
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Re: Vegas Spot Filtering

Postby steveeyes » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:28 am

Thanks Paul. I'm going to have to play around with your suggestion. This whole video world is new to me. However, with your suggestion it gives me an idea of the direction I need to go in learning how to do this.

Thanks again.
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