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PeEl3 Trial pop-up errors

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PeEl3 Trial pop-up errors

Postby Cinde » Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:45 am

?In A Snap? arrived Thursday and I?m learning a few more new things. Thanks Steve and Chuck for such a great resource. Today I learned how to make a candle?s flame ?flicker? using a still of the whole candle and an overlay of just the candle?s flame by using Video Effect > Distort > Wave Warp.

I?m on my 11th day of PrEl3 Trial version. Until today everything was going smoothly. I?ll say this as a prelude. I don?t know it is the source of the problem or not. Yesterday I downloaded and installed ?WAX? following Ken Jarstad?s instructions from ... _10-05.htm. I found the DebugMode Wax Plugin in the Video Effects menu and pulled it down into the timeline, but when the stand alone popped up I couldn?t figure out what to do with it. However a little while later I did open Wax as a stand-alone and fooled around with a couple of things in the ?cube? area but was not able to accomplish anything. But that didn?t bother me because I still need to learn the basics of PrEl before I get into anything else new.

When I later went back to my PrEl project I had still had the original project with 3 or 4 still photos in the project, no video, no audio. I didn?t have any problems for the first hour or so. Then I started getting an error that reads: ?Adobe Premier Elements has encountered a problem.? [\pre\MediaLayer\Scr\VideoFrame\VideoFrameFactory.cpp-472] When I looked at Media > Effects and Transitions > Video Effects ? ALL of the icons are the same as the little film icon below the Media menu header and above the search window. However I could see the correct icons in the Video Transitions menu.

I could still work on the project but that pesky little error message became a major problem. After 60+ times of trying to get rid of it, I closed the program. After a few minutes I reopened PrEl and tried to work on the same project again. I received the same error. This time I closed the program and defragged, but still had the problem. Then I tried to do a repair from Add/remove Programs. Still got that error message. Then I uninstalled from Add/remove Programs. I do remember clicking yes when asked if I wanted to remember my preferences.

After uninstall I went back to the original download and reinstalled. During installation I got the following error message: ?The application has failed to start because mesagl.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." I remember getting that same error message the first time I installed. However, the program did open as it always has. Then the same pesky error message started popping up again. I was able to look in the Video Effects menu and the DebugMode Wax Plugin is still there.

What do I do now? :dontknow: :banghead: :help:
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Postby Paul LS » Sat Mar 03, 2007 4:11 am

I dont recall now if there is an uninstall facility with WAX. Anyway when you uninstall PE3 clear your preferences (confirm C:\Documents and Settings\Paul\Application Data\Adobe\Premiere Elements\3.0 has been deleted) as well and manually delete the C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Elements 3.0 folder (this is where the WAX plugin will be hiding). If you want to keep your current projects then do NOT delete the C:\Documents and Settings\Paul\My Documents\Adobe\Premiere Elements\3.0 folders.
Then try a registry cleaner.

Also I am not sure if WAX works with PE3... not sure if anyone has tried it.
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Postby Cinde » Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:29 am

Paul, I did as you instructed. I uninstalled Wax, and still had the popup. Then I uninstalled PrEl 3.0 and did a registry clean. Then I did a search and removed every file I found that had Debugmode and Wax and Premier Elements in it. (Even removed the original download of the trial version) Then did another registry clean.

I went back to Adobe?s site and redownloaded trial version and reinstalled it. After reinstall I see that I still have the 19 days remaining on the trial version, thus making me believe that I was unable to completely remove the first install of PrEl.

The only difference I see now when I run a new project is that the Debugmode Was is gone from the PrEl effects menu. I still cannot see the icons for all the video effects (but can see them for the video transitions ). Furthermore I am still getting that horrible popup that says: [\pre\MediaLayer\Scr\VideoFrame\VideoFrameFactory.cpp-472] There is no X to click it off, only a button that says "Continue" I'm not kidding when I say that I have clicked that thing at least 100 times in a 2 minute period. I did find that if I click anywhere on the screen the popup error goes to the task bar and I am able to continue working on the project. It sits there until I close the program.

Another thing that I just found is that the pictures are not showing in the Help Center. There are square place-markers that say "image"

I am determined to learn PrEl 3. But I don't want to purchase the bundle until I resolve this issue. Any more ideas short of formatting the hard drive?
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