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Premiere 7: 2 errors

Specific to Premiere Elements Version 7.

Premiere 7: 2 errors

Postby Zeta09 » Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:41 am

Hello All.
First time poster and I hope I am not wasting anyone's time or missing something simple but here's my story.....
Decided to upgrade to Win 7 Ult. (64) from XP SP3. Had Premiere 7 on the XP build and it had worked relatively well with several projects from it.

I have now had P7 on the Current Win 7 build for ~2 months but have had more time recently (~2 weeks) to try and do some things with it. Unfortunately for me it has been problematic.

I have since reinstalled it (download) several times and still seem to be getting the same errors.
Firstly I install the Complete install. Open the program. I then get the "A reduced set of content...." message. I still open it just to make sure it can function. I then immediately get the" [..\Src\Window.cpp-251]" error. Hmm..I go install the additional content and the media pending from my previous projects...... (sigh).

Ok NP. I install the additional content (as the download has two pkgs of extracted files. One to install and one for additional content). Then when I attempt to go to themes I again get the above error (I get this error clicking on Themes as well as clicking out of it, i.e. going to another tab AND when the program opens) and there is nothing in the themes area. I am guessing (hoping) that I am getting this error because the themes were installed in the wrong place or they are not loading??????

On another note I had a small project that I was playing around with on the XP SP3 machine that the original movie was an .AVI file and now when I attempt to open it I can't because I get the error message "missing MFPlat.dll". What??? I have the K-lite Codec (64) installed and use VLC player. That .AVI project worked fine in the XP environment. So these are my dilemmas.

Any Suggestions?

Is this really a proposition of dealing as is or paying another Benjamin to get Premiere 8? Really?

Please advise.
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Re: Premiere 7: 2 errors

Postby Steve Grisetti » Sat Jul 17, 2010 2:39 pm

Welcome to Muvipix, Zeta!

First the good news: No, upgrading to version 8 will not likely first your problem. Now the bad: Your problem likely has less to do with Premiere Elements than with other issues on your computers. Version 7 is an extremely stable version, and there are few known problems with it on a stable machine editing standard video formats.

To the AVI file you're working on on your XP machine, what kind of camcorder did it come from and how did you get it into your computer?

As for the Windows 7 machine, is it by any chance the 64-bit version of Windows 7? Premiere Elements has been known to have problems with some of the 64-bit drivers, and that could be what's going on here.

First, have you gone manually to Windows Update with both computers and ensured you have all of the latest updates (including non-critical ones)? You often find new or updated drivers doing this.

Also, have you got the latest version of Quicktime on both computers? Quicktime plays an important role in all PC-based video editing.

Both of the error codes you're seeing are operating system and/or driver codes.

Beyond that, can you give us more information about your system(s) and hardware? Are you working on C drive on both machines or do you use second or external drives? How fast is your processor and how much RAM do you have? The more details you can provide, the more likely we'll be able to help.
HP Envy with 2.9/4.4 ghz i7-10700 and 16 gig of RAM running Windows 11 Pro
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Re: Premiere 7: 2 errors

Postby Zeta09 » Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:58 pm

Firstly, thanks for the quick response.

Secondly, I am sorry for confusion. Both errors are on the same machine. Before I rebuilt it I had XP SP3 then I tore it down and rebuilt it installing Win 7-64 Ultimate. I must say that Win 7 is a mixed bag for all intents and purposes but perhaps you're right..... it's drivers. Still get the "SCP" error and I have no Themes at all in PE7. I do have QuickTime already installed and VLC as my default. All the codecs are inherent in VLC but can play other files in the QT player.

YOU guys want specs???.......NP,
Chip: AMD Phenom II x4 955 3.2GHz Deneb
GPU: ATI 5850 HD 1GB (WC'd and OC'd)
Board: ASUS M4A79T Deluxe AMD 750SB
RAM: G.Skill PC3 DDR3-1600 2GB x 2
OS: Win 7-64 Ultimate is the sole OS on this Box.
Camera: Canon VIXIA HV40 HD: all the files were captured through PE7 itself. No issues so far, as far as capture went.

Now as far as where the files are vs. the Program? Well. The Program itself resides on a Partitioned P drive on the above machine and the files themselves are on a networked Server drive but I haven't had problems before with this setup. All files are accessible, able to be edited have worked with other machines (I have 3 boxes +1 Macbook Pro, & 1 PC Notebook [Dell]).

Hope everything is covered......
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Re: Premiere 7: 2 errors

Postby Steve Grisetti » Sun Jul 18, 2010 8:37 am

It still could be one of many things, Zeta.

The Vixia, for instance, optionally shoots in 24p, I believe. You unfortunately usually can't edit 24p footage in Premiere Elements without problems.

You also say you're editing off a network? That too could be leading to problems, depending on how the network is set up and what kind of drive your server has. I also assume Premiere Elements is installed on your C drive. It won't work if you've installed the program on a drive other than the computer's main hard drive.

You also apparently did some building and upgrading yourself. And, no reflection at all on your craftsmanship. You may well have built a better machine than the folks at Dell could! But, as you know, that also adds some random elements that it's hard to address on a forum.

I wish I could do more for you, Zeta. But, short of sitting down with you at your computer and spending a day troubleshooting it, I'm just not sure my very general solutions will work.

Hope you get things worked out! Otherwise, we'll be glad to recommend an alternative editing program (Vegas MovieStudio is a good alternative) that may well run better on your machine.
HP Envy with 2.9/4.4 ghz i7-10700 and 16 gig of RAM running Windows 11 Pro
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Re: Premiere 7: 2 errors

Postby Zeta09 » Wed Sep 08, 2010 4:09 pm

Well I am back.

Thanks for the tips Steve but decided to just install PE7 on the other box w/Xp Pro SP 2 on it. Problem now is I can barely do anything without PE7 crashing (not responding to be completely accurate). This box has:

Dual boot: Win7/XP Pro SP2 (all other required files [QT, codecs etc are installed]
Phenom II x4 3.2 Deneb OC'd and WC'd
ATI HD 5850 1GB (OC'd and WC'd)
OCZ Blades DDR 8500 (4GB)
all on a DFI M2R MOBO.
Running the program from a partitioned space on the main 320GB HDD on the XP SP2 side
Projects come from home server. This setup has not changed so if there ever was a 'control' then the home server is the most stable portion of the home network. I only rebuilt 2 out of 3 of my boxes so this particular rebuild was done first (then the above/previous post) and is the most used comp of the bunch. I have NOT had ANY issues with this rebuild

Plenty of power and space to run the program and use the files, plenty of power and juice in my GPU and hardly taxing my CPU. RAM errors nil per prime 95. So that's why I am perplexed. Program will start and seems to go but when I start to attempt to edit then it crashes. Particularly when I am attempt to add and edit the transitions in the clips. I can get through one but once I attempt a second. No response.

Any help this time would be appreciated.
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Re: Premiere 7: 2 errors

Postby Steve Grisetti » Wed Sep 08, 2010 4:16 pm

When you say Premiere Elements is constantly crashing, do you mean on its own or when you've got that 24p footage in it?

Have you tried working with more standard footage? As I said above, Premiere Elements does not play well with all but a handful of very standard formats.

As I said, version 7 was a very stable build. It's rare that it's given people fits like this!
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Re: Premiere 7: 2 errors

Postby RJ Johnston » Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:38 pm

Overclocking my graphics card, an NVidia, has caused problems with a few of my apps.
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Re: Premiere 7: 2 errors

Postby Zeta09 » Thu Sep 09, 2010 12:44 pm

Thanks for the replies guys....

I had OC'd on the previous comp with Premiere before the rebuild and hardly crashed at all. Usually (take this with a grain of salt) if you have apps crashing you want to pare down the clock and retest/bench. Regardless. Thanks for the reminder about the 24fp footage. I remember I had saved the Canon HDV.xml preset files (24p, 25p, & 30p) which I had installed on the previous comp and just had forgotten about. Although it's supposed to be only for Premiere 2.0 it seems to work as I haven't had the same frequency of crashing. Now it is more rare than frequent.

Thanks again.
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Re: Premiere 7: 2 errors

Postby Zeta09 » Tue Sep 28, 2010 3:00 am

Hello again.

Just to "dot the i" on my 2 errors.

It seems that the SOLUTION to all my PE7 problems was installing WMP 12 for Win 7.
See I have Win 7 Prof N installed. It is ONE of the Win 7 versions that DOES NOT natively have WMP. W/O it the WMVcore.dll is NOT installed and it seems not even Win Live Movie Maker has the very important (I suppose) .dll file. Thus in trying to solve my next and new problem (firewire connection with HV40) I solved the PE7 problem. I now can do all the things I needed to do with PE7 but the new irony is so far I can NOT capture the video.

I hope this helps some (the words should show in a Google search right???)

Thanks for all the attempts to assist me though..
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