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Importing .VOD -- no audio

Specific to Premiere Elements version 2022

Importing .VOD -- no audio

Postby missbevbrown » Tue Sep 05, 2023 1:34 pm

I'm a new user for Premiere Elements 2022, on a MacBook Pro. According to Adobe, 2022 should support direct import of VOD files, but my projects have no audio.

The DVDs I'm copying from are home movies. I copied the VOD files to my hard drive, then used them as source material for my projects. Video is true to the originals. Why am I not getting audio? What should I be doing differently?

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Re: Importing .VOD -- no audio

Postby Steve Grisetti » Tue Sep 05, 2023 2:07 pm

Have you tried using Premier Elements to rip the video from the discs? Just put the disc in your computer's drive and then use Get Media/From DVD to get the files.

That said, the program should have no problems working with VOBs, depending on the specs of the VOB's audio files. Open one of the VOBs in the free download MediaInfo. In MediaInfo, set View to Text and then copy the full text of this report and paste it to this forum. With this detailed report we'll be better able to give you more specific direction.
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