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Organizing Media In Project Assets

Specific to Premiere Elements version 2021

Organizing Media In Project Assets

Postby Dave McElderry » Thu Jun 17, 2021 12:53 pm

This is something that I've wondered about for a while but never got around to understanding. In my Project Assets I like to create separate subfolders for video clips, stills, and additional items such as black video or color mattes. When I add new items, such as freeze frames, they end up in the top level of the folder structure. I then need to move them to the appropriate folder. I would think that I'd be able to do that by simply click and drag like in Windows Explorer, but it won't let me do that. I end up having to do a cut (which removes the item from the timeline), then go into the appropriate folder and paste, then finally reinsert the item into the timeline. Shouldn't I be able to simply drag the item into the proper folder? What's wrong with my process, if anything?
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Re: Organizing Media In Project Assets

Postby Dave McElderry » Sat Jun 19, 2021 11:46 am

Surprised to have not received any responses on this. Am I the only one who uses this workflow?
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Re: Organizing Media In Project Assets

Postby Bob » Sat Jun 19, 2021 2:42 pm

Dave McElderry wrote:Surprised to have not received any responses on this. Am I the only one who uses this workflow?

I use that workflow, but with Premiere Pro. I haven't used Premiere Elements in ages. But, it certainly did work in Premiere Elements back then and it doesn't make sense to me that you couldn't now. Of course Adobe sometimes does some strange things from time to time. I'm hesitant to answer Premiere Elements questions anymore because my experience with it is too dated and many changes have occurred since then. I'm feeling obsolescence creep in.

Nevertheless, here's the way it worked way back then in Premiere Elements: Use list view. Icon view is awkward when moving assets between folders. In that view, the way it used to work is to click and drag the asset from the top level ( the cursor would change to a pointer with an "x" where you couldn't drop it and a cursor with a box attached where you could) and drop it on the name of the subfolder where it's to go -- not on the list of the subfolder contents. Your version doesn't do that?? If it doesn't, I don't have a clue.
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Re: Organizing Media In Project Assets

Postby Dave McElderry » Sat Jun 19, 2021 3:20 pm

Thanks for the response, Bob. Nope, I just tried again to make sure that I was doing it the way you describe. That's the way I had been attempting. Instead of an "X" I get a circle with a slash through it where I can't drop it, and a "Mickey Mouse Hand" where I assume I should be able to drop it. But when I try to drop it nothing happens - it stays where it was. It's not the end of the world if I don't get this to work, but it sure would be more convenient. I understand, Bob. If you don't use a certain software you lose it. And maybe they did change the way it works. I no longer have anything but PrEl 2021 installed anymore to try.
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