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Mac or PC?

Specific to Premiere Elements version 2021

Mac or PC?

Postby BrianR » Tue Mar 16, 2021 5:12 pm

Hi Steve and everyone. I'm a returning subscriber from many years ago! Originally I used Adobe Premiere Elements
4, then upgraded to PE 11 which I still use on a laptop with Windows 10, where I also use Photoshop CS5 extended (laptop connected to a 27" monitor). Then 18 months ago I got a iMac 27" which is now Big Sur.

My reason for this intro is that I now want to upgrade to PE 2021 but don't know whether to go for the Windows edition or the Mac one. I seem to remember (wrongly?) that with Photoshop there were some things the Windows version did that the Mac didn't, and if that was so, is there anything similar with Premiere Elements 2012?

The laptop is 64 bit with 16 gig RAM, but clearly the iMac is more powerful with better graphics. I'm asking what advice some friend might give as to whether to go for the Mac version or the Windows? (I've just rejoined, and need to update my profile to give my computer specs etc. I'll do so as soon as possible.)

I hope this isn't a silly or too naive question, and thanks in advance for any suggestions.

All best
iMac 27" Big Sur 3GHz 6-Core Intel i5 GPU AMD Radeon Pro 570X 4GB 16GB RAM; Laptop Windows 10 64-bit HDMI to 27" monitor Intel i5 16GB RAM only 128 GB SSD but I transfer all finished work to a Synology box DS213j (2 Seagate disks).
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Re: Mac or PC?

Postby Steve Grisetti » Wed Mar 17, 2021 3:43 pm

If you're reason for buying a new computer is to run Premiere Elements, then Windows is the way to go. The Windows version of Premiere Elements has a number of features that the Mac version does not.

Fortunately, PCs are often a better value than Macs. You can get some pretty kick-butt hardware for the price of an iMac -- and Windows 10 may not be quite as elegant, but it is equal to the Mac OS in a number ways. And Windows can be installed, via Boot Camp, as an optional boot for your Mac.

So if Premiere Elements is your tool of choice, Windows is the best operating system to run it on.
HP Envy with 2.9/4.4 ghz i7-10700 and 16 gig of RAM running Windows 11 Pro
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Re: Mac or PC?

Postby BrianR » Wed Mar 17, 2021 5:05 pm

Thanks very much Steve, but shucks, I was impatient (see later)! (By the way it's good to be back and watching your instructional videos again.) I'm not buying a Mac now, I bought one 18 months ago and I love it. Many reasons I wont go into now that I got fed up with Windows, but it's a personal thing. I really do everything now on the Mac except for Photoshop because the version I've had for years is Windows only (CS3 > Cs5). I really wanted to get Elements on the Mac partly because all my audio software is there, screen recorder etc. So I'm sorry in a way that there are things I'm going to miss in Elements for Mac but hoping it wont be too much of a limitation. Several years ago I was discussing things with some musicians and separately with some architects, and they all went for Macs, but I never discovered why. The guy who fixed my Windows machines over the years when they went wrong (often!) kept telling me to buy a Mac and I always said I was too old a dog to learn new tricks. But when I took the plunge I was delighted. Maybe I was just lucky because I gather Macs are not free of bugs and even crashes. (If I believed in wood, I'd touch some now.) I'm about to buy your book on vs 2021 -- the one I have of yours saw me through years of trouble-free working on Elements 11. All best. Brian.
iMac 27" Big Sur 3GHz 6-Core Intel i5 GPU AMD Radeon Pro 570X 4GB 16GB RAM; Laptop Windows 10 64-bit HDMI to 27" monitor Intel i5 16GB RAM only 128 GB SSD but I transfer all finished work to a Synology box DS213j (2 Seagate disks).
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Re: Mac or PC?

Postby Steve Grisetti » Wed Mar 17, 2021 7:18 pm

Thanks, Brian. Great to have you back in the community.

And I sure didn't mean to give you the impression there is anything wrong with Macs! They are still the weapon of choice of virtual all media professionals.

But if you plan to use Premiere Elements as part of your workflow, there are advantages to running it on Windows.
HP Envy with 2.9/4.4 ghz i7-10700 and 16 gig of RAM running Windows 11 Pro
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Re: Mac or PC?

Postby BrianR » Fri Mar 19, 2021 5:25 am

I have an update on this Steve. I still need to put my Mac and PC specs on my profile and I'll do that in a couple of hours. Meanwhile I just want to ad that I've found (to my surprise) that I have a Windows copy of Prem E 2021 as well as a Mac. So I've been able to compare. I always thought the iMac desktop was more powerful than the laptop with Windows 10, but the Mac (with Big Sur) is really struggling with PremE2021. Doing virtually anything, such as moving the place on the timeline, adding clips, whatever, it takes it sometimes up to 2 or 3 seconds to respond, whereas the Windows version responds immediately.

I think what I'm finding is confirmation of your view -- unless there's something wrong with my Mac desktop (but otherwise it works brilliantly). So contrary to my expectations I'm sure I'm going to be doing video editing on the Windows laptop rather than the Mac. But then Photoshop is on my laptop anyway, so it's no bad idea.

Thanks for your comments on this so far, Steve, they've been extremely helpful to me. (Still amazed that I have two copies, but I'm not upset!! :YY:
All best
iMac 27" Big Sur 3GHz 6-Core Intel i5 GPU AMD Radeon Pro 570X 4GB 16GB RAM; Laptop Windows 10 64-bit HDMI to 27" monitor Intel i5 16GB RAM only 128 GB SSD but I transfer all finished work to a Synology box DS213j (2 Seagate disks).
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Re: Mac or PC?

Postby BrianR » Fri Mar 19, 2021 7:19 am

Actually often 5 seconds for Premium Elements for Mac to respond, the version on Windows laptop response is immediate.
iMac 27" Big Sur 3GHz 6-Core Intel i5 GPU AMD Radeon Pro 570X 4GB 16GB RAM; Laptop Windows 10 64-bit HDMI to 27" monitor Intel i5 16GB RAM only 128 GB SSD but I transfer all finished work to a Synology box DS213j (2 Seagate disks).
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Re: Mac or PC?

Postby Steve Grisetti » Fri Mar 19, 2021 8:57 am

Again, I don't think this indicates an inferiority on Apple's part by any means. The Mac operating system is extremely efficient. It just has to do with Premiere Elements, which runs much better on Windows than on Mac OS.
HP Envy with 2.9/4.4 ghz i7-10700 and 16 gig of RAM running Windows 11 Pro
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Re: Mac or PC?

Postby BrianR » Fri Mar 19, 2021 8:58 am

Many thanks again Steve. I've learned a lot here already since rejoining!
iMac 27" Big Sur 3GHz 6-Core Intel i5 GPU AMD Radeon Pro 570X 4GB 16GB RAM; Laptop Windows 10 64-bit HDMI to 27" monitor Intel i5 16GB RAM only 128 GB SSD but I transfer all finished work to a Synology box DS213j (2 Seagate disks).
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