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Debating to go HD or not...

Discussions about High Definition Television, Blu-Ray, HD DVD and other high definition DVD formats.

Re: Debating to go HD or not...

Postby Bob » Mon Oct 15, 2012 2:39 pm

The amount of time that can be recorded will depend on the quality setting/bitrate of the recording mode. Here is what the manual for your camera says about that:

At the highest quality recording mode the interal 8gb will record 45 minutes and the 16gb card will record 90 minutes.
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Re: Debating to go HD or not...

Postby Uncle Ben » Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:05 pm

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Re: Debating to go HD or not... Uncle Ben went shopping!

Postby Uncle Ben » Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:46 am

Uncle Ben wrote:Well first and foremost, I would like to extend my thanks once again to all who have provided feedback to my initial post.

It is because of your valuable insights that I was able to narrow down my choices. I hope that I will be happy with my final decision.

I opted for a cam as opposed to a digital camera because of the added video functionality. I have also opted for an external blu-ray writer, not only because I'm not comfortable doing the swap myself, but also because I like the flexibility of being able to use the writer with other computers around da house instead of having it anchored permanently.

"So what did you buy Uncle Ben?" you may ask. I will tell you, but on one condition: if you don't think I made a good purchase, please be nice and don't tell me! :razz:

I bought the Sony Handycam PJ200, and the burner is a Lite-ON USB 3.0 12X Blu-ray Disc Writer Model eHbu212-08. I realize that this is no pro-equipment, and as you can ready tell from this thread, neither am I.

As time goes on and I develop a bit more expertise with home videos and Sony Movie Studio/DVD Architect, perhaps I will be able to help others like you've been able to help me.

Again, grazie to ya all! Cheers! ::C

Uncle Ben is now royally p.o.! It's a good thing I bought this thing as Costco. When I first got it, the battery charged OK. When I plugged it in a few days later, the charger connection no longer worked. I can charge the camera via the USB, but that increases the charging time by 50%. Plus, for me any way, a camcorder that can't take decent videos under low light conditions is not worth sh...

OK, enough ranting, which is usually not my style, but I'm pissed! Oops, sorry!

After reading very very good reviews, I'm now looking at the Panasonic HCV700K. The one criticism that I've seen often in user reviews is the fact that at HD it only shoots at 60fps. Should this be show stopper for me? Any comments on this camera would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Debating to go HD or not...

Postby Bob » Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:21 pm

I think Sony Vegas Movie Studio 11 added support for 60p. Is that the version you have? If your editing software can handle it, 60p should not be a show stopper.
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Re: Debating to go HD or not...

Postby Uncle Ben » Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:15 am

Thank you Bob!
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