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MP4 files not converting

Specific to Premiere Elements version 14

MP4 files not converting

Postby Brian Q Love » Thu Nov 19, 2020 9:15 am

Thanks very much for your video Fixing Out of Sync Video. However, I have followed the instructions for Handbrake and it insists on saving in .m4v format which PE will not open.

I have tried manuall changing the file suffix to mp4 before saving, but that does not work either.

Any advice would be gratefully received.
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Re: MP4 files not converting

Postby sidd finch » Sun Nov 22, 2020 11:59 am

What is your source file?

FYI: The M4V file format is a video container format developed by Apple and is very similar to the MP4 format. The primary difference is that M4V files may optionally be protected by DRM copy protection

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Re: MP4 files not converting

Postby Steve Grisetti » Sun Nov 22, 2020 2:19 pm

Also, in my experience, m4v files do load as media in Premiere Elements. I just tried it in version 13 and the m4v worked just fine.

Media files, of course, don't open in Premiere Elements. But even m4v files created by Handbrake should import as media files with no problems.
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