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Making the Indiana Jones Moving Map Line in PD14

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Making the Indiana Jones Moving Map Line in PD14

Postby Pete Kyle » Thu Aug 13, 2020 5:58 pm

Hi Steve,

Many thanks for inviting me to join this community. I'm looking forward to many tips and tricks.

I followed your YouTube video on how to create the subject Moving Line in PD18 (I think). I followed your directions step-by-step, but it didn't work in PD14. Rats. You asked whether I had the Ultimate, Ultra or Standard version of the software and yet, I don't know how to determine that. Perhaps we could start there:

How do I find out which software version of PD14 I own?

All the best,

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Re: Making the Indiana Jones Moving Map Line in PD14

Postby Steve Grisetti » Thu Aug 13, 2020 8:45 pm

I don't know how to tell the difference by looking at the program, pk. But the reason I'm asking is to determine if you're using the full-featured version of the program or the stripped down version and if that's affecting why the effect isn't working.

Please tell me what steps you took and where it didn't do what the tutorial said it should do.
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Re: Making the Indiana Jones Moving Map Line in PD14

Postby Pete Kyle » Wed Aug 19, 2020 5:17 pm

Hi Steve,

Many thanks for writing back. I installed PD14 "out of the box" and have been using it since. That said, I did scale-back some of the video definition so that there would fewer "sticking' events during the editing stage. It seems to work, so would like to keep that adjustment.

In your tutorial, I believe you are using a newer version of PD (perhaps 16 or 17?). In any case, I follow your tutorial right up until I have selected a mask (rectangular), unchecked "maintain aspect ratio" (all of which makes sense), brought the playhead to the animation's start, then create initial Keyframes for both position and scale at the start of the animation. At this point, I further follow your tutorial by sliding the playhead to near the end of the animation and "peel back" the mask.

Here's where I see a difference between our versions of PD: Your tutorial shows you completing the peel-back and two "ending" Keyframes automatically appearing at the end of the "peel-back". Whereas in my PD version (14), I must select the creation of the "ending" Keyframes as I did to create the initial Keyframes at the beginning of the timeline. Once selected, our two timelines look exactly the same with Keyframes at the start and near the end of the timeline.

However, when I tap "Play" I get the mask in a static position and no "peel-back." The mask seems stuck in the "ending Keyframe" position.

Steve, man, I sure hope my description makes sense and you have a way-out for me,

As a sidenote, I thought I would receive an email from this Community Forum advising me that you had replied to my original question. I just had to remember to come back and check the forum, only to find you had replied three hours later, awesome! Perhaps I'll do a better job of re-visiting.

All the best and thank you Sir!

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Re: Making the Indiana Jones Moving Map Line in PD14

Postby Steve Grisetti » Wed Aug 19, 2020 7:10 pm

I'm still having trouble figuring out the exact point you're losing me, Pete. In the tutorial, at what time point does your program stop doing what mine does?

It could well be the difference between version 14 and version 17. But let's first figure out at what point your screen stops looking like the tutorial.

Version 14 does have a Mask Designer, right?
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Re: Making the Indiana Jones Moving Map Line in PD14

Postby Pete Kyle » Sat Aug 22, 2020 5:39 pm

Hi Steve,

Thanks, as always, for your note back.

At 2:20 in your tutorial, my software stops doing what yours does.

When you say: "And you can see the animation that we have now as I scrub through it."

The issue I'm having is that once I have set the "ending" keyframe and I move the playhead back to the start of the clip, the mask is stuck in its finished place. The mask is not "dynamic", but rather stuck in the "ending" position.

PD14 has a PiP Designer where the page headers read "Properties - Motion - Mask". It's on the 3rd page (Mask) where I have a page that looks exactly like the page in your tutorial.

I'm curious though: Could my trouble be from the fact that I haven't defined the direction the mask should move? Meaning, is there something I should do on the second page of the PiP designer (Motion)?

As always, thanks so much.

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Re: Making the Indiana Jones Moving Map Line in PD14

Postby Steve Grisetti » Sun Aug 23, 2020 7:34 am

Did you toggle on animation and do you see the keyframes on the timeline, as shown at 2:00? if so, you should also see new keyframes created at 2:20, which creates the animation.
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Re: Making the Indiana Jones Moving Map Line in PD14

Postby Pete Kyle » Wed Sep 02, 2020 12:03 pm

Hi Steve,

Sorry to be so long in replying. Had to wait to get kids back in school before I got time to myself.

I followed your tutorial to a tee. In my case, I have the Initial Keyframes (shown at 2:03) and Final Keyframes (shown at 2:18). Up to there? All good.

At 2:21, you move the Playhead back to the timeline's start and the mask is seen to be moving. This is where I don't get the desired effect. I move the Playhead to the timeline's start but the mask does not move. It's as if the mask is stuck in its final position, even when playing back the clip. So the clip is static, unmoving.

The only difference I see between your tutorial and what I get with PD14 is that in the tutorial when you set the mask's final place, the Final Keyframes simply appear "automatically" in your timeline. In my case, once I have retracted the mask to its final place, I must toggle the "red diamonds" for them to appear in the timeline. The end result is that I get red diamonds in the timeline just like yours, so one would think this means there is a start and an end to the moving mask. However, my mask never retracts when taking the playhead back to the start of the clip: It's stuck.

Thanks for all your help thus far. I really want to see this work and your tutorial is really great, easy to understand. Could it be that PD14 has a fault in terms of dynamic or moving masks?

All the best,

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Re: Making the Indiana Jones Moving Map Line in PD14

Postby Steve Grisetti » Wed Sep 02, 2020 4:17 pm

I'm not sure why you're keyframes aren't generating automatically if you're following my instructions, Pete. I assume you're using the Ultimate version of the program. But that seems to be at the heart of your problem. You're not generating keyframes for some reason.
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Re: Making the Indiana Jones Moving Map Line in PD14

Postby Pete Kyle » Thu Sep 03, 2020 5:06 pm

Hi Steve,

Hmmm, okay. The initial and final keyframes are shown, but I must manually set them. My initial keyframes are set just the same way as yours in the tutorial, but must set the final keyframes manually. Could this be the issue?

Thanks for everything. pk
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Re: Making the Indiana Jones Moving Map Line in PD14

Postby Steve Grisetti » Thu Sep 03, 2020 8:24 pm

I just went through the tutorial again and it behaved exactly the same way when I recreated it in my program, so I stand by the tutorial.

Are you toggling on the animation for Position and Scale for the mask, as I show you at about 2:05 in the tutorial? Unless you do this, the keyframes will not automatically be created.
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Re: Making the Indiana Jones Moving Map Line in PD14

Postby Pete Kyle » Wed Sep 09, 2020 8:26 am

Yes Sir,

I am toggling on the animation for Position and Scale. I, too, stand by your tutorial.

I am beginning to think this is a setting or product issue from CyberLink and will now contact them.

But not without first saying a great big Thank You for your efforts! I really appreciate your time and especially the geniality with which you present your ideas on video editing.

All the best,

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Re: Making the Indiana Jones Moving Map Line in PD14

Postby Steve Grisetti » Wed Sep 09, 2020 1:30 pm

Sorry we can't offer more help, Pete. But do let us know what you find out.
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