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Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

"The Fastest Video Editing Software for Enthusiasts"

Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Cusinbrucie » Wed Sep 14, 2016 11:42 pm

Hi Bob,

Ooops I was thinking they were on the Director Zone site. I found them, thank you for clearing that up.

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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Cusinbrucie » Fri Sep 16, 2016 8:03 am

I followed your instructions and was able to produce the effect that I was looking for. I was hoping that the title could keep growing larger until it disappeared instead of fading away but that's okay it looks very good.

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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Cusinbrucie » Fri Sep 16, 2016 8:07 am


One other question about the Title Mask effect. I noticed when I play it back the title grows quickly and then slows down as it gets larger. Is there a way to control the speed as it grows to be more constant?

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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Steve Grisetti » Fri Sep 16, 2016 8:39 am

You can try playing with the settings for Ease In and Ease Out for Mask Scale -- but as far as I can tell, that's the only way to interpolate keyframe animation speed.
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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Cusinbrucie » Fri Sep 16, 2016 6:24 pm

Thanks Steve, I'll try that. I know that usually the longer the clip is the slower titles usually move and faster for the shorter ones but this starts out fast and slows way down. But I'll play around with it.

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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Cusinbrucie » Thu Sep 22, 2016 3:05 pm

Hi Steve,

I Have another question. I'm working on the project for my grandson and we did a couple of interviews with him that I'd like to have as a Bonus Feature. Is there a special way to set up Bonus Features when producing the final disk? In your book on page 190 you talk about the Menu structure and show a diagram which shows bonus features which look like they are separate from the other chapters. Is there something special that I have to do or do I set them up as a separate chapter with a link to them?
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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Steve Grisetti » Fri Sep 23, 2016 7:20 am

Check out the sub-chapter called Content of page 185-186 of the book, Brucie. You just add additional content to create bonus material for your disc.
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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Cusinbrucie » Fri Sep 23, 2016 8:29 am

Thank you Steve,
I see that now. and added the clips but when I go back to the Edit tab I only see the clips that I added as bonus features not the rest of the project. I have a The End photo and an ending video clip that I'd like to place the bonus features before on the timeline.

Also there is one part of the project in the timeline of my grandson talking that we titled behind the scenes. I'd like to take that out and then add it to the bonus features which are a couple of video files of me interviewing him so that those 3 clips are all part of the bonus features.
I tried to copy it and paste it into the folder on my hard drive where I have all of the video saved but it doesn't seem to work.

I also want to create a slide show of photos of him that I'd like to put into the bonus features. If I produce it and save it as a separate project can I bring that in by clicking on the Import Additional Videos button?

I'm sorry for all of these questions but Cyberlink's tech support takes days to get email replies and are not that good.

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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Steve Grisetti » Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:26 am

I'm sorry, Bruce. You're losing me.

To add a bonus feature to your video, you select the option to add a video to the Content page. Your bonus footage will then appear listed when the viewer select Scenes from your main menu page.
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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Cusinbrucie » Fri Sep 23, 2016 10:22 am

Hi Steve,

Thank you, Sorry for the confusion. I was able to do that but when I go back to the edit tab all I see in the timeline is the clips for the bonus footage not the clips from the main project.

Also there's a clip at the end of the main footage that I'd like to take out and save back to my hard drive so that I can make it part of the bonus features. Is there an easy way to do that or do bring in the original footage and edit everything out except that and save it as a separate project and then bring it back in with the bonus features?

Again I'm sorry for all of the questions but I appreciate your expert help.

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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Steve Grisetti » Fri Sep 23, 2016 10:34 am

The Bonus videos all have their own timelines. To open a clip's timeline, click on the pencil button to the right of the clip's listing on the Content panel.

Likewise, you can take any video (say the video of your main project), add it to the Content panel, open its timeline and trim it down so that only a segment of it will be added as your bonus material -- as you want to do with the ending of your longer project. This won't affect the video on your main movie's timeline.

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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Cusinbrucie » Fri Sep 23, 2016 10:50 am

I was able to delete the Behind the Scenes footage from the timeline and brought it in with the other bonus footage and saved the whole project with a different name. But not when I reload it and go to the edit tab I only see the last of the 4 clips that I loaded into the bonus features on the timeline.
But when I preview it in the menu it is all there.

Thank you again,
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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Cusinbrucie » Fri Sep 23, 2016 11:59 am

Hi Steve,

Sorry I didn't see your last post before I sent my last message.
Yes this one on one help is great. I do intend to become a subscriber. Which plan do you recommend? Money is a bit tight right now but I would like access to all of the downloads. I did have a small editing business a few years ago when I was using Windows XP I had a program called Edius which I was fairly familiar with but couldn't get it to work with Windows 7 Professional 64 bit. I was using Corel Video Studio X9 Ultimate until I found Power Director which I think has more features, especially with the flexibility of menu design and the vast number of template downloads for everything which are available on your site and Cyberlink's DirectorZone. As soon as I become more comfortable with this program and the other Cyberlink programs that came with the Director Suite 5 I want to start advertising again locally to start the business up again.

I do find it a little cumbersome in editing and modifying the disk templates and have to play around with it a bit to edit the titles that are preloaded. Do you have any tips for that process?

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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Steve Grisetti » Fri Sep 23, 2016 2:43 pm

Unfortunately no. PowerDirector works well with a variety of video formats and it's packed with lots of advanced features -- but it does take some getting used to.
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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Cusinbrucie » Fri Sep 23, 2016 8:03 pm

Thank you Steve.

So which membership do you think is the best value? As I said before that money is a bit tight right now but I'd like to be able to download different files for different uses for different types of projects.

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