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Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

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Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Cusinbrucie » Sun Sep 11, 2016 4:55 pm

Hi I'm brand new to the forum and a new user of Power Director 14.

I've seen a text effect on some TV shows and Movies where the text is displayed on a color background then starts out small and then grows larger as it moves forward toward the viewer, then you can see the video clip through the text as the texts gets larger and comes towards you until the text is gone and you then see the scene. Can this be done and how can I do it. I was trying it as text masking but am not seeing the results that I want.

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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Steve Grisetti » Sun Sep 11, 2016 8:43 pm

It should be very simple to keyframe animations for the size and opacity to get this effect.

I'm not sure how you'd do this effect using masking.
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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Cusinbrucie » Sun Sep 11, 2016 11:52 pm

Thank you Steve. Have you used Power Director? I thought that masking was what needed to be done but would be open to any suggestions and guidance as to how to do it.

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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Steve Grisetti » Mon Sep 12, 2016 7:19 am

I've actually written Guides for the past three versions of PowerDirector, brucie. They're available on Amazon.

Masking serves a different purpose. If you want your text to dissolve to transparency as it zooms in, you want to keyframe its size and opacity.
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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Cusinbrucie » Mon Sep 12, 2016 11:42 am

Hi Steve,
Thank you for your reply.

I don't necessarily want it to dissolve but actually be able to see the video that is behind it through the text as it gets bigger as it moves toward the viewer. I guess that I'd have to use a block type of font so that there is enough of the text to see through. Ooops I didn't realize that you were the author until you just mentioned it. I actually purchased your book for Power Director 14 Ultimate and have been going through it, I haven't read through it completely. Can you tell me what section and page this info might be on? Does the book address this issue? There is a series on Netflix Streaming called Stranger Things and they use this effect with the opening title that comes forward and grows and then you see the video through it until the text disappears and there is just the video.

Thank you so much
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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Bob » Mon Sep 12, 2016 2:07 pm

Steve, Bruce wants to use the text as a matte and key it for transparency. Does PD have a track matte key effect or equivalent?

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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Steve Grisetti » Tue Sep 13, 2016 7:10 am

I'm sorry but I don't know how to do that in PowerDirector.

I'll look into it though and, if I can figure it out, I'll post it here.

Wow! I've been working all morning on this and can not figure out how to create a Track Matte-style effect in PowerDirector!

Anybody have any ideas?
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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Cusinbrucie » Tue Sep 13, 2016 6:22 pm

Hi Steve,

Thank you for trying. I thought that I had replied earlier but it doesn't seem to have gone through. I also have Corel Video Studio X9 Ultimate, I don't know if that does it but I was looking at another of their programs, Motion Studio 3D that does 3D text as well as other effects, I'm trying to see if that might do it.

Also Cyberlink just introduced a new update, Power Director 15 which I'm going to upgrade to. Are you going to be writing a guide for that as well and if so when do you think it will be out?

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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Chris B » Wed Sep 14, 2016 12:56 am

I don't have Power Director - but a quick Google around implies this is non trivial. However I've seen suggestion to use Chroma Keying on the text to "remove" it. You might need to be clever with the video tracks at the same time to achieve the effect you want.
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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Steve Grisetti » Wed Sep 14, 2016 7:11 am

A book is absolutely in the works for PowerDirector 15, brucie! Look for it early next year.
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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Steve Grisetti » Wed Sep 14, 2016 10:58 am

Hey, Brucie, I've been playing around with PowerDirector 15 and it DOES INDEED include tools for creating exactly the effect you're trying to create!

Here's the basics. I'll go into more detail in the book and as we create tutorials to support this latest version of the program.
1) Select the clip on your timeline that you want to apply this effect to.
2) From the Designer menu along the top of the timeline, select Mask Designer.
3) In the Mask Designer, select the Create Mask option on the Mask Properties.
4) Create your title/mask in the Mask Composer, then click OK.
5) Back in Mask Properties, scroll down to Object Settings. With the playhead at the beginning of your clip, set Mask Scale to .00001, then turn on keyframing. Move the playhead as many seconds in as you'd like your effect to go and set Mask Scale to max.
6) Leaving the playhead where it is, set Mask Opacity to zero and turn on its keyframing.
7) Move the playback back about a second and set Mask Opacity to 100%.

This will create a mask out of your title that begins in the distance (a black screen) then zooms in and, as it reaches maximum zoom, it fades away to reveal the scene.

As far as I can tell, these tools don't exist in version 14, so you'll need to upgrade to create this effect. Unless someone else has found these Mask Designer tools in version 14.
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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Cusinbrucie » Wed Sep 14, 2016 12:39 pm

Hi Steve,

Thank you so much for that information I really appreciate it. Part of the effect that I want is to have the video show through the text as it is moving forward and growing until it grows so large that it's no longer there and then all you see is the video.
I look forward to your new book coming out which I will buy as soon as it does. I'm using the book on Power Director 14 in the meantime to get up to speed so I hope that there will be online tutorials for 15 in the meantime to learn about the new features and improved features. Will you be posting any yourself as the book progresses?

Also do you think that since I'm upgrading to the newer version that I would need the Corel Motion Studio 3D to do 3D titles? or will Power Director 15 be able to do that also?
Here is a link to the product description from their website for you to check out if you don't mind: ... 1473874666

Thank you again for your help, I really appreciate it.

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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Steve Grisetti » Wed Sep 14, 2016 3:22 pm

Well, whether or not you need Corel Motion Studio depends on how much you love to create cool titles. Remember that, if you include material available on the DirectorZone web site, PowerDirector offers thousands of title templates created by fellow users!

We'll certainly release a batch of fresh tutorials in conjunction with the release of the book for version 15. Meantime, be sure to check out the tutorials we have available already on our site, including our free 8 part Basic Training tutorials.

That said, you unfortunately can't enlarge the text mask until it reveals nothing but video. There's a maximum zoom level that the program allows. That's why I proposed dissolving the title at the end by keyframing its opacity setting.
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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Cusinbrucie » Wed Sep 14, 2016 7:02 pm

Thank you Steve,

I will try the method and instructions that you suggested. I thought that the effects that I saw looked really nice, but since it was on TV I guess that they used pretty high end software and equipment.

Where on the Director Zone do I find the free 8 part Basic Training tutorials? I see tutorials listed for different programs but not the basic training ones. Are they under Power Director? I looked and don't see them.

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Re: Text Masking with Cyberlink Power Director 14

Postby Bob » Wed Sep 14, 2016 7:39 pm

Steve was talking about the tutorials on our site under subscriber downloads. Here's a link to the free Basic Training Power Director tutorials.
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