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scrubbing is not smooth in the monitor

Specific to Premiere Elements Version 12.

scrubbing is not smooth in the monitor

Postby mikecox » Sun Apr 13, 2014 4:36 pm

When this very long discussion concluded I thought the issue was resolved, at least changing the "time stretch" option to 99% seemed to work; but it's not working now :ha:

When I scrub a clip in monitor it jerks; or hangs, then suddenly snaps to the CTI that has moved on while the image is stopped. The CTI always seems a second or two ahead of the video.

Once the image is on the timeline it scrubs smoothly.

Michael :cool:
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Re: scrubbing is not smooth in the monitor

Postby Steve Grisetti » Sun Apr 13, 2014 5:06 pm

How smoothly your video plays and your timeline scrubs is a combination of issues including your processor speed, RAM load, hard drive speed, format, resolution and codec of video, how closely your Premiere Elements project matches that format, resolution and codec of video, how many effects have been added to your video, what quality setting your playback is set to and how large you've got your Monitor panel sized to.

I'm not sure how many of these issues have already been addressed, Mike. Unfortunately, the solution is never as simple as changing a single setting though.
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Re: scrubbing is not smooth in the monitor

Postby mikecox » Fri Apr 18, 2014 4:28 pm

Thanks Steve, I was afraid of that. Sounds like finding a solution would be like looking for the proverbial "Needle in a haystack". This has been one of the most frustrating drawbacks of PrE and one that constantly holds me back. I even bought a new, hit end, win8 laptop to address the problem; even though I've been told my Win7 machine has the needed resources. It is the reason I have decided to try Power Director.
Michael :cool:
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Re: scrubbing is not smooth in the monitor

Postby Bob » Sat Apr 19, 2014 4:57 am


Do you have "scale to frame size" enabled or disabled? Do you have more than one hard drive and are the files off the system drive? What are your project settings?

The 60D uses an odd frame size of 1920x1088 instead of the standard 1920x1080. H.264 video is compute intensive as it is and this will add additional processing to scale or trim. Hopping of the cti is a symptom of the computer not being able to processes the video fast enough to preview smoothly. It's not clear right now whether it's limited by cpu, memory, or disc access. You can try Power Director to see if it can manage the resources and process more efficiently. Please let us know your experience with that.
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Re: scrubbing is not smooth in the monitor

Postby mikecox » Sat Apr 19, 2014 10:34 pm

Thanks for chiming in Bob,
Do you have "scale to frame size" enabled or disabled?

Actually I'm not sure; I sometimes return to PrE after months so suffer "use it or lose it" syndrome; so I've forgotten how to check. :oops:

Do you have more than one hard drive and are the files off the system drive?

Actually I do, and they are. I tried moving the clip to the System drive but it didn't seem to make a difference.

What are your project settings?
I use the default settings

The 60D uses an odd frame size of 1920x1088 instead of the standard 1920x1080.

I guess that why I was told to change the "Time stretch" to 99%, and seemed to work; at first.

H.264 video is compute intensive as it is and this will add additional processing to scale or trim. Hopping of the cti is a symptom of the computer not being able to processes the video fast enough to preview smoothly.

Actually that what I suspect is the problem. I think my graphics card may be pulling me down:

You can try Power Director to see if it can manage the resources and process more efficiently.

I've scrubbed that clip in PD12, on my laptop, and it was smooth.
I've also tried converting the MOV file from my Canon to an AVI file and it scrubbed smoothly. Might that rule out the processing/graphics card issue?


I just realized; I wasn't using my 60D when I shot these clips.

The really odd part is that all the clips in the collection; taken over a period of 3 weeks, are AVI; except the one I was scrubbing; that, and a small number of clips; that I took at one location, are 3gp files and the frame rate on them are all different :conf:

12.85, 19.23, 13.78, 18.72,13.83 and 29.75; all shot with the same Canon Powershot 630, on the same shoot; within two hours of one another. The file I converted to AVI is 29.97.

Why would there be such a variation in Frame Rate; using the came camera, a ?
Michael :cool:
Pr Pro, Ps and Lr CC, Canon Cameras: 60D and 70D
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Re: scrubbing is not smooth in the monitor

Postby Bob » Sun Apr 20, 2014 4:52 am

It would make sense that the clips from the 630 are avi as that is what that camera produces. It doesn't produce mov files, that one must have been from the 60d. Those frame rates don't make sense though. According to the specs, the 630 shoots at 15 or 30 frames/second. Don't know what's going on there with those weird fractional rates.
29.97 would be right for the 60D.

The screen shot is too small to read.

I've also tried converting the MOV file from my Canon to an AVI file and it scrubbed smoothly. Might that rule out the processing/graphics card issue?

No, that confirms the processing issue. AVI is far less computationally intensive than h.265. Premiere Elements does not take advantage of the video card for acceleration of rendering of previews and effects.

Please confirm your project settings (edit>project settings). With those weird frame rates, I don't know what your project frame rate and frame size are. That could complicate the performance issue.
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Re: scrubbing is not smooth in the monitor

Postby mikecox » Sun Apr 20, 2014 2:36 pm

the 630 It doesn't produce mov files, that one must have been from the 60d. frame rates don't make sense
29.97 would be right for the 60D.
It's kind of a moot point, since I rarely use the 630, and even more rarely use if for video.

The screen shot is too small to read.
Ok, I think I know what happened here; try this:

No, that confirms the processing issue. AVI is far less computationally intensive than h.265.

Hmmm... AVI vs MOV or VOB. Does going to AVI degrade the quality of the edit. Is there a significant downside to converting to AVI; that cancels out the advantage of smoother scrubbing?

Premiere Elements does not take advantage of the video card for acceleration of rendering of previews and effects.

That leaves me wondering how to factor the video card into video editing process. Is it a variable that impacts the process to a larger or lessor degree. Is it relative to file type: MOV, VOB or AVI. As you can see; It certainly drags down the rating of my system.

Please confirm your project settings (edit>project settings). With those weird frame rates, I don't know what your project frame rate and frame size are. That could complicate the performance issue.

Michael :cool:
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