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PremEl 12 - editing disc menu templates

Specific to Premiere Elements Version 12.

PremEl 12 - editing disc menu templates

Postby CarolG » Tue Nov 17, 2020 2:27 pm

I use Photoshop Elements 12 (PS) and Premiere Elements 12 (PrEl), and I purchased your book about them. I run Win7 Pro with 16 GB RAM.
I have had good success with some PS editing of disc menus for use in PrEl from both your YouTube help and your book.

Problem 1
In your book on page 172 (for version 12), you show the layers that are in a disc menu. They have that arrow to the left of the folder icon to indicate the ability to open the folder. That does not happen with me. If you look at the 1st attachment and then the cropped image (2nd attachment), you can see the folder arrow is not there. Therefore, I cannot open that "group" folder to edit items in it....such as the frame color around the marker button (3rd attachment).

Problem 2
In order to change the color of a "next" or "previous" arrow, I have tried the "simplify layer", and I believe that action changes the arrow shape from a vector graphic to a raster graphic? Therefore, this change will not show up in the PrEl edited menu?

the 3rd problem:
When editing my disc menu, I know how to add an audio clip and how to set the starting and ending points ("in point" & "duration"), but I do NOT know how to "Apply Default Transition Before Loop" for the audio.

In the movie itself, I have gone to Transitions then Audio Transitions and then R-clicked on my choice and "Set Select as Default Transition" (I do default transitions all the time for the video portion of a movie). Basically, I want to fade the audio clip out before it loops while viewing the disc menu. I cannot find this in your book, and boy, have I looked. I'm sure it is there.....but..........HELP! [see attachment]

I hope these attachments are in order. When I first added them, they were in reverse order to the text in this post.....yet, I added them in the order they should appear.......I dunno....too old, I guess.
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Re: PremEl 12 - editing disc menu templates

Postby Steve Grisetti » Tue Nov 17, 2020 2:32 pm

As I've said in my email, the ability to edit Layer Sets (folders of layers) in a PSD file was not added to Photoshop Elements until version 15. Before that, it was sporadic.

Meantime, have you seen my tutorials on editing these movie menus?

We can answer your other questions in separate posts. Let's try to focus on one issue per post.
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Re: PremEl 12 - editing disc menu templates

Postby CarolG » Tue Nov 17, 2020 3:04 pm

Yes - I did....I have been successful at a certain level.

I just want to learn & do more.
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Re: PremEl 12 - editing disc menu templates

Postby CarolG » Thu Nov 19, 2020 11:13 am

I watched the tutorial again, and you DID mention how for the same version of PSD viewed on 2 diff. computers, that one computer allowed you to open the folder sets, and the other did not. I am sorry that fact did not register when I watched the video. You were also gracious to say you did not know why that is the case. And, FYI, here are some of my computer details so you won't think I am trying to make these hamsters run too fast: Win7Pro OS 64 bit 16GB RAM i7-4770. So, thank you for your help, and unless someone can come up with some Voodoo to let me open those folders, I'll have to live with it.
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Re: PremEl 12 - editing disc menu templates

Postby Steve Grisetti » Thu Nov 19, 2020 11:43 am

That's a nicely powered computer, Carol. I'm sorry that it won't open those Layer Sets. If you're going to edit DVD templates, it might well be worth upgrading to at least version 15 or later. It's certainly made my editing of these types of files a lot less hit and miss!
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Re: PremEl 12 - editing disc menu templates

Postby CarolG » Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:06 pm

I can (maybe) do a go around....we'll see. Thanks.
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