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Exporting my movie issues

Specific to Premiere Elements Version 12.

Exporting my movie issues

Postby NANCYKLINDWAY » Fri Jun 05, 2015 8:07 am

Frustration sets in: I have been working on a movie about my dad's life for 1 1/2 and I am finally done. I am getting internal error message or the program just shuts down. The problem is getting help and reading all of these post in Adobe only confuses me. Dont know where to start. I have a 48 min movie that has Photoshop files, jpegs and movie clips. I don't know which one is causing the problem. Is there a size limit is that the problem? I went through the movie in Photoshop and flattened images and tried to resize what I could without having to replace the clips in PE 12. I got the movie to save a couple weeks ago finally but now it is not saving. I tried the dvd output to files and when I finally put that on a dvd the dvd didnt recognize the dvd. So decided to go back to saving it in he mpeg format. Is there anywhere I can go for help or pay someone to look at the movie over the computer. I took the auto save option off. The problem is locating what is causing me the problem. I made collages of photos in Photoshop some in the photoshop file and some in jpeg but I went back in to flatten images in photoshop to make them smaller. Also went in to make the jpegs smaller all were created in Photoshop in the movie clip format so that is right. I didnt want to have to import them but found out that I could edit them in Photoshop and they would show up edited in Preimere. How do I find what is causing me the problem? I need to get the movie exported my father is not well and after all this time making the movie you can only imagine just trying to get the movie off the computer. SOS
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Re: Exporting my movie issues

Postby Steve Grisetti » Fri Jun 05, 2015 11:41 am

Welcome to Muvipix, Nancy! I'm sure we can help you out.

First, we always recommend that any photos you use in a DVD project are resized to 1000x750 pixels in size (at 72 ppi). Excessively large photos are the chief reason for DVD burn fails. Check your pictures out by opening each in Photoshop/Photo Elements. Most likely they'll be many times video resolution.

Second, what can you tell us about the source of your video? What model of camcorder was it shot with -- or was it shot with a smartphone? Regardless anything you can tell us about the resolution of your video will be very helpful.

Finally, are you able to render the timeline by pressing the Enter/Return key on your keyboard so that the yellow-orange line along the top of the timeline (in Expert view) turns green? This is a good test to see if your media is overwhelming your project.
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