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Menu Navigation

Menu Navigation

Offline - New User
Thu Nov 21, 2013 10:58 am Post
Hi all, I hope someone can help. My DVDA Studio project has Top Menu with a link to the video, a second link to scene selection menus (there are two of these Menu Page 1 and Menu Page 2. If I select the Scene Selection Menu, I can then select to play any scene I choose, but afterwards it goes straight into the next scene. I would like it so that after playing my chosen scene it returned me to the menu page so I could navigate to another scene. I can't see how to set this in the Properties Menu, so can anyone help please.

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Re: Menu Navigation

Offline - Moderator
Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:09 pm Post
I think what you have to do is export each scene as a separate video clip and then import to DVDAS. Then create a compilation instead of one long file with chapters. You can then set the end action separately for each clip.

If you have Steve's book, it tells how to do this.

The free Learning Series articles here may explain it, too:
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Re: Menu Navigation

Offline - Super Moderator
Thu Nov 21, 2013 3:07 pm Post
Peru Bob is right.

DVDs will always play through from whatever scene or chapter you link to to the end of the movie.

About the only way to make the disc player return to the menu after each chapter is to make each chapter a separate video. (You can still create Playlist if someone wants to play the entire series of videos.)
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Re: Menu Navigation

Offline - Registered User
Thu Nov 21, 2013 5:31 pm Post
@ Steve

This is what I usually do with my slideshows but the problem you run into is that when you end every slideshow with some remarks and/or copyright information you will see this back x-times when playing the playlist. I still looking for a solution for this.

One could be to prepare two slideshows, one with and the other without that specific information but that means at least a lot more space on the disk, which not always will be possible.

If anyone knows a solution? Perhaps DVD Architect Pro?

Thanks anyway,
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Re: Menu Navigation

Offline - Super Moderator
Thu Nov 21, 2013 6:35 pm Post
As far as I know DVD Architect Pro functions the same way, Allie.

It's the nature of DVDs. If you go to a scene, the movie will play from that point to the end.

In your case, you could make your copyright a separate file and set up a link from the end of a video to the copyright video before going to the menu. Then you could designate when it is seen. Make sense?
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Re: Menu Navigation

Offline - Registered User
Fri Nov 22, 2013 5:22 am Post
Thanks Steve, this could be a way to realize this.

I never came up with that idea. Thanks.
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Re: Menu Navigation

Offline - New User
Fri Nov 22, 2013 7:24 am Post
Hi again and thank you all for your replies. I guess playing from the selected scene to the end is a property of DVDs; is this also the same with Bluray discs?


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Re: Menu Navigation

Offline - Moderator
Fri Nov 22, 2013 7:44 am Post
That's the default behavior for dvd and Blu-ray. You can specify your own behavior through the use of playlists. You can link a button to a playlist which in turn will specify the sequence of scenes you want included in the playlist and what to do when the playlist finishes playing. Very useful feature. If you want a scene to return to the menu when the scene finishes without playing the rest of the movie, you do it with a playlist.
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Re: Menu Navigation

Offline - New User
Sat Nov 23, 2013 7:47 am Post
Thanks Bob for your comments. I guess if I know what scenes I need before editing then it is best to render each scene separately and then bring them into a playlist. I dis this with a project when I spent a week in Malta and a second week in Gozo. With playlists there does seem to be a slight pause between the items when playing sequentially, but I guess this is the trade off.


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Re: Menu Navigation

Offline - Moderator
Sat Nov 23, 2013 8:32 am Post
Bob wrote
You can specify your own behavior through the use of playlists.

That's what I meant to say instead of "compilation." #-o

With playlists there does seem to be a slight pause between the items when playing sequentially

I've noticed that, too. I thought it may have been just my player.
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Re: Menu Navigation

Offline - Registered User
Sat Nov 23, 2013 8:48 am Post
Is that slight pause not caused by seeking the file as I have noticed that the files are not sequentially put onto the DVD but in some mysterious oder.
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Re: Menu Navigation

Offline - Moderator
Sat Nov 23, 2013 2:49 pm Post
You don't always need to render each scene separately. If you only want to play a single contiguous segment of a video and return to the menu, you can link the video to a menu button and set the in/out points in the timeline. Repeat for each scene. This is described in the help file under adding a scene selection menu.
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Re: Menu Navigation

Offline - Moderator
Sat Nov 23, 2013 5:07 pm Post
Bob wrote
You don't always need to render each scene separately. If you only want to play a single contiguous segment of a video and return to the menu, you can link the video to a menu button and set the in/out points in the timeline. Repeat for each scene. This is described in the help file under adding a scene selection menu.

It would seem so, but I've done a number of discs with scene menus like that and have never been able to get them to work that way. Setting the end action to most recent menu ought to do it, but it doesn't work for me. In those cases where it was important to me for a return to the menu after a scene I've always had to set up separate clips. I sometimes wondered if it had to do with the player, but then realized that it acts the same way in the simulator in DVDAS.
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Re: Menu Navigation

Offline - Moderator
Sat Nov 23, 2013 5:31 pm Post
I've used that in the past with no problems, so I tried it again just now to see if it still works. And, it does. This is with the older dvdas version 4.5D. I didn't upgrade to version 5. I dragged the same video from the dvdas explorer and dropped it on the target menu several times, once for each scene, then clicked through each button to the timeline and set the in and out points for each scene. End Action was most recent menu. Each scene returned to the menu after playing just like it should. Works the same in the simulator and the dvd. I don't know why it's not working for you.
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Re: Menu Navigation

Offline - Moderator
Sat Nov 23, 2013 6:51 pm Post
Yeah, me either. I am using V5, and nearly everything I've done in the past couple of years has been Blu-ray except for a couple of situations where I've made both HD and SD discs from the same project. I can't really imagine that it should make a difference either. :conf: I've just kind of accepted that it's the way things work and move on.
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