
What Our Muvipix Members Say...

"I just made an 11-minute birthday video for my wife. I used Ron's music clip called DCS. It worked great. Thanks, Ron! My wife is going to adore this gift. Thanks to great technical information from several different people in the forums, I knew how to handle my new Sony video camera and the file types and codecs, and the project and export settings. Somebody just try to tell me I don't need this website. "

Matthew Max

"Thank you! to the generous people on this site, I was inspired by, and learned from, and gained the confidence to build my first computer - (a little q6600) And, to pursue a career doing what I love! Business has been good and I just did a new build. So I thought of all the help I received from John, Rusty, Bob, and others on my first one, and I'm so grateful for that. I was afraid to take the cover off my case before I came here! I didn't post much so I doubt many of you would remember me, but I learned a lot from this community and am very thankful for the help and generosity shown to me! Thank you again...........Dave"


"I pity the poor guy that does not use this forum! The average Adobe customer would never figure out a problem like this!"


"It is mind boggling what one can learn in a relatively short time when one sets one's mind to it and I have learned the most, and gained the most inspiration, from Muvipix. It is the best $69 I ever spent, period. I now have a creative hobby that I love that didn't exist for me all that long ago. What a community. Thanks!!"


"I contacted you because I was not sure I wanted a non ending subscription. You told me how to make it end upon request. I have NO intention of ending my subscription. I have learned so much and find the downloads to be absolutely fantastic.

Thank you. I could not be happier with my subscription."


"I've had a membership for 2 years that I plan to let expire. It's been good but Muvipix is better! I've spent many hours lurking in the forums and have already found some really cool stuff!

Some of those marching band movies were so terribly boring but we just couldn't toss them without having a copy. I fully intended to just give the DVDs to the kids as they were but now I've seen some stuff here that has me rethinking that in a huge way."


"Hi Chuck, thanks for the tip. I am already a full member. I really appreciate all the wonderful content that muvipix has to offer. It made a real difference in the quality of the videos I've been producing since I became a subscriber. Not to mention that amount of time it saved me....

For everyone on the forum, it is really worth it to check the content of the site."


"...this forum is so great and you folks are amazing, I would simply be up the creek without this community."

Many many thanks, once again!


I rarely post questions to those [other] forums because I find it extremely annoying when people put others down simply for being a newbie without adding anything worthwhile to the discussion.

I've never found that kind of attitude at Muvipix. Every post contributes positively to the discussion. Nobody is put down for asking a question that, to others, is common knowledge. Every person understands that we are all beginners - some have just been at it longer than others.

So, thanks again. You can count me as a paying member for a long time.


I watched 1 tutorial in the members section that paid for itself immediately - I told my wife - I am glad I paid the $$$ for that membership - something that had been dogging me for hours was resolved in 10 seconds.


This comment doesn't specifically deal with this thread, but I gotta say it anyway...

This is without a doubt the BEST web forum I have participated in. Everyone on this site is super friendly and happy to help, and I haven't found that ANYWHERE else. I love this place!


Wow!! I've been on other forums but never had a response like this. This definitely IS the best forum in the universe! Thank you all...


Sometimes I just feel guilty that I'm getting all this great knowledge for free. If they had an Olympic event on consumer videography you would all have the gold!


Thanks for answering patiently to all my queries. That is why I find this forum is the best and most helpful. Thanks again. Cheers.


Thank you guys so much :) How simple was that? And it looks really good. I can't believe the stuff that I am learning here. Thanks again!


After finding Muvipix I just don't shoot video anymore, I think about how I am going to shoot and how I want it to look!


Let me tell you...I have been out of town for 4 days and had total Muvipix withdrawal!!! ... I start my mornings with a cup of coffee and Muvipix!


Again...thank you. The bride and groom shall not be disappointed this evening and I won't be jumping off any cliffs. Another Premiere Elements user life saved!!


Thanks guys, and as always I think you're great!!! If you don't mind me asking, how do you guys go about figuring this stuff out? Honestly, some of the stuff you guys figure out I just think to myself... NO WAY!!!, I would never have figured that out.


I am so excited!! My downloads folder has grown by leaps and bounds today. I can hardly wait to unzip and soak up the knowledge (tips n tutorials) and learn to use DVD templates and motion backgrounds while listening to new music. I am one happy Muvipixer right now!!!


Great stuff. Just in time for my video I am working on. Keep up the good work.


P.S Thanks to all you guys for the help with downloading old Video of Hoover dam; everything went a-ok great help.


Thanks guys for all your help. Once again, I've learned something new here!

Doreen L.

...just joined the list, and paid my member subscription to muvipix. Great site, it's been a ton of help so far.


Thanks for the thorough explanations guys. Also thanks to your book, my last home DVD was truly a gut clincher. Everyone enjoyed the new effects and was amazed on the editing skills :) Still learning!


Thanks for directing me to the 'add a clip' tutorial. It was very helpful and I think that should take care of the problem I was having! :D


Thanks for all the great products and discussions.


I am a product of this site, learning everyone's tips and tricks and ideas.

momoffduty probably aren't going to be able to get out of a book specifically for PE4 what you can get here at muvipix. The tutorials, the media you can use, and the help in this forum are pretty much unmatched anywhere else I have seen (IMO).


Within 36 hours after a template issue was identified in PE7, Steve had a patch available to all users. Talk about service and delivery! What a great forum and wonderful community!!


During the last weeks I worked very hard on my wedding-video. There were hundreds of photos and lot of video-footage to classify and arrange.

Because it's my own wedding I looked hours for hours for special effects and "the kick". I did spend plenty of time here reading tips and tricks, rummaged in the showroom, read articles and so on.

I found so many creative ideas and just want to thank all of you for being part of this helpful community which really is worthy of being: muvipix is the best forum in the known universe!

Vera S

I finished my wife's 50th Valentine's Day birthday video, and I wanted to tell everyone here thanks for your part in it. From critiques to tips, troubleshooting help, and moral support, you did it all. One thing that most impresses me about this forum is the responsiveness of the answers, but never so much as when the DVD tray opened up after the final burn 22 minutes before we were planning to leave for birthday & valentines dinner. I never would have finished without all of the quick help during the previous few days.


I also enjoy the off topic discussions. I consider you my friends and when I've not had time to visit and contribute to the forum for a few days I miss you.


I'd like to second everything that's been said here. I have never found a place where I can get technical advice and friendship in such abundance.


I must agree with all the good things said about this forum. No, it's not just a forum- it truly is a community.

After participating in the forum for a while, I actually started feeling guilty about not being a subscriber. It didn't seem to matter to anybody here whether or not I was a paid member-- help and advice was offered just the same.

So, now I'm proud to be part of this continually evolving place.


I want to pass along my compliments on the ENTIRE staff here at Muvipix! You all have made me feel welcome and have been uber patient with all my rookie questions.


You will be amazed with all the help you will get around here. This is a great place and worth every penny and with all the free stuff at the end of the month is just icing on the cake.


OK, so I just got on this forum a couple days ago. I am new to the whole video/editing stuff as well as a lot of general computer stuff, but am growing to love it. I cannot tell you how great this forum is. Not only are all of my questions responded to quickly, each time they are accurate and very helpful answers.

I know I will continue to have a ton of questions, and I apologize for that, but THANK YOU to everyone on this forum for being so great and helpful. Y'all have definitely made my transition and learning experience a great one. Especially to the Mods and Administrators. They have been very patient with answering my questions. I have found on other forums that that is more of an exception rather than a rule. Bravo to everyone.

Trail Boss

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