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Two text objects created at the same CTI

PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 4:07 pm
by Petey
Hi everyone,

I've just realized when I create two separate text objects at the same CTI and a rectangle as well, they seem to be all now combined into one video clip and they cannot be moved to appear later. Is this correct? They all can be selected as separate objects.

Thanks in advance,


Re: Two text objects created at the same CTI

PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 4:10 pm
by Steve Grisetti
Are you creating all three objects on the same title? If so, you can re-open the title (by double-clicking it on your timeline) and move the objects individually.

If each object is a separate clip, you should be able to move each individually in timeline mode.

Re: Two text objects created at the same CTI

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:52 am
by Petey
Hi Steve,

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "the same title." I have two text objects in their own boxes (text1, text2) that I can move around and they were created one after another without moving the CTI. I guess what you mean is that they are bound to rest in the same title video (which was the first one created called text1). Sure, one can select and move the two boxes around the preview screen but they are now prisoners within a box so to say. I just am figuring out how the software works.

So basically, the first text title is the parent and all others created at the same time at the CTI are glued to the frame.



Re: Two text objects created at the same CTI

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:45 am
by Steve Grisetti
But on the timeline, are these objects separate clips -- or are they all part of the same title clip?

Re: Two text objects created at the same CTI

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:58 am
by Petey
Hi Steve,

I realize this is difficult to explain without showing it. Yes, everything becomes part of the same title clip if you don't move the CTI. Thus, I could create 10 text titles with F9 and if I did not move the CTI, they are basically ONE CLIP. You see, I was wondering if they became separate clips if you zoom out the timeline but no. It's really in effect ONE title clip object, with sub-objects that are bound by the overall properties of the entire clip. Meaning, you can't make individual text boxes last longer. They all have the same duration.

That doesn't bother me, but I like to know how things work. By messing around with that, I realized one could copy one of the text objects out of the clip, create a new clip, paste it in and thus copying the style as well.



Re: Two text objects created at the same CTI

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:25 pm
by Steve Grisetti
You've got it, Petey! Great solution!

Re: Two text objects created at the same CTI

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:35 pm
by Petey
Happy 4th of July, Steve!

Yep, I'm persistent. My goal was really to figure out how to copy a text title and I ended up understanding the program better. I like that because when I want to make a quick ukulele video, I hate not knowing how to use the software or being confused on the way it works.

I'm a big time amateur, but you can tell when a half decent amateur knows how to use his tools... including setting up and adjusting a tripod. =D>

I might buy a cheap green screen for $80. I want to experiment with playing the ukulele in front of interesting photos. Any hints on that? ](*,)



Re: Two text objects created at the same CTI

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:06 pm
by Steve Grisetti
I've actually got a Steve's Tips article on Chroma Key. If you go to our Products page and type "Chroma Key" in the search box, it should come up along with a free article on Videomerge, which uses many of the same principles. (These articles are included in my basic books on Premiere Elements and Photoshop Elements are the technique is described, step by step, in my "Cool Tricks" book.

This is where I bought my green screen from.

As you can see, they've got a great selection of reasonably affordable stuff for videomaking.

Worth checking out also is Roadsideron's excellent green screen video. His thread also describes his simple but very effective way to light it.

Re: Two text objects created at the same CTI

PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:48 pm
by Petey
Thanks Steve!

I see it in your books and you explain it better that I 've seen before. Thanks for the links. I will be buying a green screen by the end of summer.



Re: Two text objects created at the same CTI

PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:09 pm
by Steve Grisetti
Can't wait to see the results, Petey! Happy moviemaking!