Click the images for previews

Crop Tool Suggestions and Guides

Learning Series - Crop Tool Suggestions and Guides (Photoshop Elements 2018) - How the Automatic Crop Suggestion feature works in Photoshop Elements and how to turn it off if you don't like it.

item added 2 Dec 17
(to go fullscreen, click the symbol highlighted in green)

High-Tech Satellite Effect

High-Tech Satellite Effect. This is the graphic (PSD) that is used in the tutorial of the same name.
Click here for the PSD file (zipped).

BONUS TUTORIAL - High-Tech Satellite Effect (Part 1 of 2)

BONUS TUTORIAL - High-Tech Satellite Effect (Part 2 of 2)

visit the Cool Tricks for Premiere Elements 18 page.
Item updated 22 Jan 20
