Click the images for previews

Favorite Moments (Prel13)

Favorite Moments (Premiere Elements 13)
A demo of Premiere Elements' new tool for editing - selecting the best moments in a longer clip.
Item added 23 Sep 14

PowerDirector Multitrack-Multicam Editing (CPD13)

Favorite Moments (CyberLink Powerdirector 13)
Editing multi-cam videos on multiple video tracks in PowerDirector.
Item added 16 Nov 14

Once Upon A Year

Click image for preview

Length [3:33]
A semi-cheerful melody that should capture moments in your Christmas video.
[Composer: Ron |]
item added 3 Dec 09

Smart Trim

Learning Series - Smart Trim (Premiere Elements 2018) - Selecting the best moments from a longer clip with Premiere Elements.

item added 19 Oct 17

(to go fullscreen, click the symbol highlighted in green)

Candid Moments

Learning Series - Candid Moments (Premiere Elements 2018) - A look at Premiere Elements' new tool for grabbing freeze frames from a video clip.

item added 19 Oct 17
(to go fullscreen, click the symbol highlighted in green)
