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I hope I dont have to Re Upload 100 hours of video.....

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I hope I dont have to Re Upload 100 hours of video.....

Postby coolstuffiniowa » Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:48 am

so I wanted to go back and get some clips of video from about 5 years ago on my older external hardrives.
I have taken the video from the old clips on External Hard Drive 1, 2, & 3 and cut them together.
Then when I go to save it on External Hard Drive 4 the clips that i have on External Hard Drive 3,4 are still there - but the other video (from Ext. hard drive 1 & 2) is gone and it says video not found or something to that effect.
I only have 2 usb ports for the external hard drives.
So there is no way that I can get the video from 1 & 2 to be in the final cut.....
there has to be a simple solution to this right?
Do I just recut the footage I need on Ext hard drive 1 & 2 and save it as a new file - then import that new file into external hard drive 4?
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Re: I hope I dont have to Re Upload 100 hours of video.....

Postby Bob » Tue Dec 27, 2011 12:51 pm

When you import video into a PrE project, the video is not copied. The name and location of the video files are kept in the project file as is information about the edits you made. Video is read from the source location as needed. Consequently, all the drives containing the source video need to be available. If a needed drive is unavailable, you will get a message such as you describe.

If you have enough space on drive 1,2, or 3, you can export the finished movie there and then copy or move it to your drive 4. Or, you can temporarily copy the files from the drives that will be offline to one that will be online when you export. When you get the message about the files being missing, you can take the option to tell PRE where the temporary copies reside and it will use those and you can do the export. Your proposed method would also work, but I suspect it will result in more work for you.
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Re: I hope I dont have to Re Upload 100 hours of video.....

Postby coolstuffiniowa » Wed Dec 28, 2011 9:30 am

just so I am clear....
I need 1 minute of footage from External HD 1 (the oldest one I have)
I export that 1 minute of footage I need to the computer hard drive or a "new" drive like #4 and then give it a new file name and everything will be good?

if that is it....THANKS
I am so silly I was about to reload all this footage.
the problem would be finding it since it is all on mini dv tape.

I will go try that now.
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Re: I hope I dont have to Re Upload 100 hours of video.....

Postby Bob » Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:45 pm

just so I am clear....
I need 1 minute of footage from External HD 1 (the oldest one I have)
I export that 1 minute of footage I need to the computer hard drive or a "new" drive like #4 and then give it a new file name and everything will be good?

That footage should be in a file on your External 1 drive. You don't export it, you copy it to a new drive like #4 that will be online when you do your final export. You don't need to rename the file. When you get the dialog box about the file being missing, select the option to let it find the file. When it finds the file on #4, it will update the locations in the project and everything will be good and you can export.
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Re: I hope I dont have to Re Upload 100 hours of video.....

Postby mark hansen » Wed Dec 28, 2011 7:37 pm

The driver letter of the hard drive could be different than it was before. That got me once. Everything was on a exteral hard drive and when I plugged it back together, the same WD hard drive came up as a different letter. Nothing could be found! With advice, I was able to get the drive letter back to what it was and PE could find all of the photos.
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