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C++ Runtime Library error when exporting avi

Specific to Premiere Elements Version 7.

C++ Runtime Library error when exporting avi

Postby anue » Thu May 13, 2010 4:53 pm

I recently started getting the Visual C++ Runtime Library error message: This application (Prem El 7) has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.

I had been working on a video project for several days and almost finished when I I was trying to Export a segment of the video as an avi when I got the error message and the program shut down. I went to Microsoft site and downloaded the C++ Runtime Library for my OS.

I have Windows 7, IE 8, and Pr El7.

I was able to go back in and copy that segment and paste it into a new project but I had the same issue with the new project.

Do you have any ideas about how to resolve the issue? What exactly is the issue?

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Re: C++ Runtime Library error when exporting avi

Postby VernonRobinson » Fri May 14, 2010 8:01 am

Welcome to the Forum. It is not quite clear what is causing this issue. Has Premiere Elements exported successfully in the past? If so, has there been some changes to your machine (e.g. installed new software)? My first guess is that part of the media may be corrupted in the section of the movie that you are exporting. Try exporting a different section of the timeline and see if that works ok. YOu can accomplish this by shortening the Work Area Bar and choose to export the Work Area Bar instead of the whole movie. If you need help with the Work Area Bar, there are a series of good tutorials in the Tutorials section. If successful, that would tend to indicate it is something on the timeline. If not, then I would try and export using another format (e.g. MOV) and see if it completes successfully. Try those two things and let us know the results.

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Re: C++ Runtime Library error when exporting avi

Postby Bob » Fri May 14, 2010 1:45 pm

Errors like that are generally not a problem with the runtime library. Usually they are caused by bad data passed to the runtime by the program using the library. Often, that will be caused by a clip with an error in it (corrupted media) or a gap in the timeline.

Check your timeline to see if there is a gap where there is no video or audio. Even a single missing frame can cause problems. Set the CTI to the beginning and expand the timeline so you can see small gaps. Then use the page down key to skip forward from one edit point to the next through the movie. Be sure to go all the way to the end -- look at the work area bar to make sure there isn't something beyond where you think the movie ends.
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Re: C++ Runtime Library error when exporting avi

Postby anue » Mon May 17, 2010 11:17 am

Thanks you all; I figured out the problem.

I checked the timeline for gaps and found none; then I moved the workbar to a different segment of the timeline and saved it as an mov file using the Share tab...with no error message. After saving as an mov, I tried saving as an avi on Share tab and got the error message. So I went back to the Export link and changed the setting from "Uncompressed AVI" to "Microsoft DV AVI" and saved successfully with no error message.So I guess I'll stay away from uncompressed avi; not sure why I tried it in the first place. I have been using MS DV AVI with great success since I bought the software.

Thanks for your help. You all probably know this already but Adobe no longer supports PrEl7, so having a forum like this is a great resource.
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Re: C++ Runtime Library error when exporting avi

Postby VernonRobinson » Mon May 17, 2010 11:25 am

Glad you got it running. DV-AVI is a good compromise relative to uncompressed. Uncompressed AVI could take up to 10 Gigs of storage per minute. It never occurred to ask, but is the disk that you are running on formatted NTFS instead of Fat32? It must be or else you would run into all sorts of problems due to the 4 gig limit of Fat 32.

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Re: C++ Runtime Library error when exporting avi

Postby Bob » Mon May 17, 2010 5:08 pm

I'm glad you figured it out also.

Besides eating up a lot of disk space, uncompressed avi is very difficult for the typical home pc to deal with because of the large amount of data and bandwidth required. Unless you have a fairly powerful system, uncompressed video can bring it down on it's knees. It's best to avoid it unless you have a specific purpose that requires it and a system that can handle it.
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