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storage efficiency

Specific to Premiere Elements version 2019

storage efficiency

Postby mattwinn » Fri Jun 07, 2019 7:06 am

Hi Guys,
I don't want you guys to get stale so I have newbie questions. ( I still classify as new until my probationary period is up)
Does PE save files for you in more than one place. I feel like I have files all over - In Downloads. In Auto save and where I actually send it ( to a 1 TB Toshiba external drive) While space is not an issue now as I am just starting, I can envision it being an issue in about a very short time. In October I will start reviewing 20 full length basketball games per week and I fear having full length games as well as my edited files and narrative and other mini projects all over the place. Any ideas or tips on storing or naming conventions. Thanks
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Re: storage efficiency

Postby Steve Grisetti » Fri Jun 07, 2019 8:09 am

The program saves outputs where you direct it to save outputs. And it saves processing and auto-save files in the same folder as your project files. But beyond that I'm not aware it saves files all over.

While your media files may be pretty large (about 12 gigs per hour of video) most of the other files the program produces should be relatively small. If you've got a 1 terrabyte drive for your media, you should be able to save at least 75 hours of video on it before it starts filling up.
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Re: storage efficiency

Postby sidd finch » Fri Jun 07, 2019 10:01 am

Also, at the beginning of each project the program will ask you where you want to store your files and it will create a project file. A general rule of thumb is to store your source files and project files together on a separate drive. Then do all your editing and file output on the computers main drive which is also where the program is installed. It helps to maximize the efficiency of the program. Once you get in the routine of setting up your projects this way it will become second nature. The editing process is non linear meaning that your source file remain intact. The program creates a copy of your source file to do the edits.

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