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Burned DVDs Properties

Specific to Premiere Elements Version 11.

Burned DVDs Properties

Postby iop » Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:43 pm

After burning several DVDS of the same PRJECT in PRE11, the PROPERTIES of each of the burned DVDs is not the same. The total bytes of each burned DVD is either more or less than the other burned DVDS. I have check the DVDs before burning and they all have the same properties i.e. number of bytes is the same for all the blanks.

When viewing the burned DVDs I cannot detect any changes from one to another but it seems as if all the burned DVDs for (One) project should be the same, i.e.should have the same amount of bytes after being burned. Can you explain please. Thanks.
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Re: Burned DVDs Properties

Postby Steve Grisetti » Thu Sep 10, 2015 3:35 pm

How did you make your duplicates, iop?

Did you create a folder od DVD files or an ISO file on your hard drive and then use a program like ImgBurn to burn off discs from those files as needed? This is the way we always recommend, and every disc should then be identical.

Or did you burn one DVD as a master and then use your operating system to duplicate it to several discs? This usually works but can be sketchy sometimes.

Or did you burn each disc directly from your Premiere Elements project by going to Publish & Share/Disc? This is probably the least recommended way to do it because it means that each time you create a disc you're reencoding your files, which has the potential to lead to all sorts of problems.
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Re: Burned DVDs Properties

Postby iop » Thu Sep 10, 2015 3:51 pm

Unfortunately I used PRE 11 as it is fast in burning multiple discs. Is this why the properties are different on each DVD burned? Does that mean their are changes in the Slide Shows from one disc to another and do you recommend reburning with other methods as indicated in your response ? Thanks for you prompt reply.
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Re: Burned DVDs Properties

Postby Bob » Thu Sep 10, 2015 5:42 pm

How big of a difference are we talking about here? Are the VIDEO_TS folders on each dvd disc the same size?
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Re: Burned DVDs Properties

Postby Peru » Thu Sep 10, 2015 5:59 pm

Sometimes there are bad sectors on a new DVD, so those are not used in the writing process, but do show up as part of the "used area" of the disc.

Does this sound plausible, Bob? :conf:
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Re: Burned DVDs Properties

Postby Steve Grisetti » Thu Sep 10, 2015 7:54 pm

And, yes, iop. I recommend you use the recommended method I posted above for making duplicates of discs. If nothing else, it speeds the process up considerably!
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Re: Burned DVDs Properties

Postby iop » Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:35 pm

I still do not understand this process of having to use a different program or procedure when making multiple copies of a project. Once PRE11 has rendered or reincoded the files for the first copy, the time required for subsequent copies is very fast. It does not look (time-wise) like it is reincoding again for each additional copy. That's why I had used that method of making copies. Yes I had read that method in Steve's book but thought as long as it cranked out the copies without error messages the completed project was useable. Is there a later PRE program that does not require work-arounds for completing a project?

I use w8.1 on my computer which is a pain in the a.. to do any DVD copying without like pulling teeth. That was one reason I purchased PRE11 to do what I used to do on my xp computer using Roxio. It just seems odd after resizing / cropping in PRE11 that the process does not continue and complete projects without further work-arounds. Right now it looks like I used time and resources for a compromised project. Any further recommendations other than redoing the project?

Thanks again for your expertise.
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Re: Burned DVDs Properties

Postby Bob » Fri Sep 11, 2015 12:32 am

There's nothing wrong with using PRE to burn the original and multiple copies in the same session. As you correctly surmised, PRE processes your menus and video content into proper dvd format first, creating a temporary copy on your hard drive. Once that temporary has been created, PRE uses it to burn all the copies. So, the burn process goes relatively quickly.

While that works well for many, perhaps most, users, some people encounter problems in the burn part of the process. If that happens, the temporary copy is not retained and you will have to repeat the entire share to dvd process to try again. If you are one of the people who do encounter problems, writing the dvd to a folder and then using a separate burning program to burn the dvd from that folder is probably the best approach. That also gives you the opportunity to delete the unnecessary "OpenDVD" folder from the DVD.

It's not clear why you are getting different sizes for each of the dvds that were burned as part of the same run. That's one of the reasons I was asking whether the VIDEO_TS folders were all the same size on each disc. If I know where and what differs, that may give a clue as to what's going on. The discs aren't necessarily corrupted.
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Re: Burned DVDs Properties

Postby iop » Fri Sep 11, 2015 7:54 am

Thanks Bob, that helps in understanding. I will take some time today hopefully and post the info on the Video-TS sizes . Thanks again for your prompt reply.
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Re: Burned DVDs Properties

Postby iop » Fri Sep 11, 2015 1:42 pm

Heres the info for all the discs burned in one session of a project:
1. the Video_TS properties are the same for each disk burned.
2. The OPENDVD properties vary for each disk burned in that same session.
Does this indicate that the burned DVDS are identical?

Regardless, I assume you still feel the best method for burning multiple DVDs is thru a walk-around method as discussed in your original answer, NOT from within PRE11 ? I guess you would need to check each VIDEO_TS file size to make sure all the burned DVDs are the same ?

Another issue I don't understand on looking at the files created on the burned DVDS: When opening the VIDEO_TS file it shows several files labeled VTS_01_0, VTS_01_1, VTS_01_2 and VTS_01_03 - Windows Media Player Files. When playing these files by opening and playing in the popup menu that pops up, there are some music files that play that are not a part of that particular DVD project. How is this possible? Looks like a gliche somewhere.

Thanks again.
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Re: Burned DVDs Properties

Postby Bob » Fri Sep 11, 2015 4:27 pm

The only folder that absolutely needs to be present on the DVD is the VIDEO_TS folder. That's the one your DVD player uses to play your program. As long as your VIDEO_TS folder is the same for all copies, you can consider them to be identical. I don't know why the OpenDVD folder is changing, but, it can be ignored -- it's totally unnecessary.

There are three types of files in the VIDEO_TS folder. They have suffixes of ".vob", ".ifo", and ".bup". These are defined by the DVD specification. ".vob" files are mpeg-2 files containing the video, audio, and menu images used in the DVD. ".ifo" files contain information about the structure of the DVD such as where a chapter starts, where an audio or video stream is located, and the menu functions and navigation. You can think of ".ifo" files as a kind of program that the DVD player executes to play your DVD. ".bup" files are an exact copy of the ".ifo" files and can be used as backups in case the ".ifo" files are corrupted.

You shouldn't find music that isn't included in the project. However, some DVD menus supplied with PRE do come with audio and/or video components. Perhaps that is the source of that music.
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Re: Burned DVDs Properties

Postby Bob » Fri Sep 11, 2015 5:51 pm

Regarding burning multiple DVDs. If you are happy with the capabilities of Premiere Elements for creating DVDs and you aren't having problems burning the dvd discs, then there's nothing wrong with using PRE to make multiple copies at the same time. Keep in mind that should you run into a bad disc or some other problem that causes a burn to fail, you will need to start the process again which means you will be reencoding your files and that can be time consuming.

Creating a DVD folder on the hard drive instead of burning directly to a disc introduces an extra step, but it does have the advantage that should you have a failed burn you won't need to reencode the project. And, every disc is guaranteed to be an exact duplicate. Standalone DVD burning programs can potentially give you more control over the burn process and tend to be less finicky as well.
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Re: Burned DVDs Properties

Postby iop » Sat Sep 12, 2015 8:29 am

OK - thanks for all your input. Will probable do that on my next project. I still need to sort out which DVDs I burned are the ones I want to send to family.

Still would like to know more on the music files that are a part of the burn but are not used in the project. It seems the more you learn about things the more you appreciate how complex programs are.
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