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Is this theoretically possible?

Is this theoretically possible?

Offline - Registered User
Mon May 12, 2014 11:19 am Post
Previously whenever I've made a DVD, I simply sent the edited files to AS via the Make Movie option in MSPSv12. Now I am editing a two camera shoot and have discovered it much easier to sync the pict + sound on individual instances of MS. For example, lets say I have the following five completed, but not yet rendered portions (.vf files) that I'd like to open in AS to create a DVD.

1) Intro to the play
2) Act 1 (with markers 1-5)
3) Act 2 (with markers 6-11)
4) out takes
5) Interview w/ director

In theory, is it possible to open AS, then individually add the above five .vfs? Then go about creating the DVD? If I were to create .m2ts (rendered) versions of each of the five and then tried to combine them in AS, would that be "better" (or even possible?)

...just wondering and pushing my envelope
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Re: Is this theoretically possible?

Offline - Super Moderator
Mon May 12, 2014 11:44 am Post
DVD Architect doesn't work with Movie Studio or Vegas project files, super8guy. So you'll need to render them as MPEG2s in order to bring them into DVD Architect.

Once you've done that, you could create a playlist so that one sequence plays right after another or as individual movies that your viewer could view one at a time.

But if you just intend to combine them all into one movie, there's no point in doing your assembly in DVD Architect. That's like using DVD Architect as a video editor, something it isn't designed to do and there's no advantage in doing.
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Re: Is this theoretically possible?

Offline - Registered User
Tue May 13, 2014 12:18 pm Post
Thanks for the clarification/explanation. Back to the drawing board for me.
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