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Title / clips over clips

PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:45 pm
by cusefan123
I just completed a "year in review" phot montage with videos woven in, etc. Family thinks it looks great, but being a perfectionist, there are some things that are sticking out to me like sore thumbs. Does anyone else notice? Nope, but I do! So, I have a couple of questions I'm hoping someone can help with...

1. Movie opens up with a title in Track 2 at 100% level. Still image in track 1 fades in (video fade in) at about 6 secs and is fully visible at 7 secs. Title is showing on top of the image like the way I want. At about 8 secs I did "video fade out" to the title and image stays on screen (what I want). It puts the white dot on the title clip (not sure what the dot is called!) and line fades down to the end of clip. So, here's the issue: When you play the movie, when you get to the point where the dot is the title briefly gets brighter and then fades out. Any idea s why this "flash" would happen?!

2. Separate place in video. I want two video clip montages playing simultaneousl. Video clips in track 2, opacity at 50%. Video clips in Track 1 opacity 100%. On the clips in track 2, I have a cross dissolve to make the transition smoother. With this set up, though the brightness of the clip is real "choppy" goes light to dark and back to light on the next clip. It's like it doesn't play the dissolve correctly when I am laying tracks like this. If I take the transition out, no brightness problems, but the clips obviously transition abruptly. Any ideas?!

Maybe these two topics are related...maybe I need a tutorial on clip on top of clip if anyone knows a good link.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Title / clips over clips

PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:40 pm
by Chuck Engels
As far as number 1 goes, I've seen this happen when setting the opacity to from 0% to 100%.
By setting the final to 98% the flash goes away. It sounds like this flash is happening at the 0% on the fade out from 100% to 0%. Try setting the final opacity at 2% rather than 0%.

#2 - Using opacity and a cross dissolve is kind of like using the same effect twice, not always very effective. You can keyframe the opacity of each clip, or add the cross dissolve, not sure that both will achieve what you are trying to accomplish. Why is the opacity of track 2 at 50%? If both tracks clips were at 100% the cross dissolve would work without a problem.

Re: Title / clips over clips

PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:38 pm
by cusefan123
Hi Chuck,

THanks for the quick reply. I'll try #1 and get back to you. As far as #2, I am looking to have two video montages playing at the same time. Each montage is a set of video clips cut to take out unnecessary footage so I cross dissolved these. Track 2 is on opacity @ 50% so you can see the other video montage, which is the same things...a series of clips connected by dissolves. (e.g. a series of "kids/sandcastle" clips playing on top of scenery of beach"). So, would you say manual keyframes is the way to go?!

Re: Title / clips over clips

PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:40 pm
by cusefan123
Oh, and one more thing about #1...the flash happens right at the "white dot" signaling the clip to fade out, so it seems to be happening at 100%, not 0%.

Re: Title / clips over clips

PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 3:15 am
by Bob
#1 is an old problem going back to at least PrE version 4. Here's the original thread in which RJ Johnston found that setting the opacity to 98% rather than 100% eliminated the increase in brightness at the keyframe position (i.e. the white dot): viewtopic.php?f=38&t=1850&start=0

Re: Title / clips over clips

PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:41 am
by momoffduty
For #2, try a gradient wipe instead of a dissolve. A completely different option: Use a track matte effect to show your video above the other video. Showing thru a small feathered oval.

Re: Title / clips over clips

PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:27 am
by Chuck Engels
Bob is correct, set the opacity at the start of the fade to 98% rather than 100%.

Try Cheryl's method, I think you will find the results pretty amazing and a totally different look than what you have now. This will give your video a real professional look and will amaze friends and family :)

There are instructions on using the gradient wipe in the products section as well as a pack of graphics to use with the gradient wipe transition. The creation of the oval, feathering the edges and using the track matte we can all help you with if you want to learn some new stuff.
This will take you to the next level and give you some great tools for your arsenal and some really good knowledge :TU:

Re: Title / clips over clips

PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 12:32 pm
by cusefan123
What a great forum...thanks for all the quick and helpful replies.

OK, as far as #1, issue resolved. I removed all keyframes and reset entire title clip to 98%, and then did a fade out. No more bright flash. Thank you!

As far as #2, I will certainly check out matte effects and play around and let you know if I have any questions.