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The FAA Commercial Drone Certificate

The FAA Commercial Drone Certificate

Offline - New User
Fri Oct 21, 2016 12:01 pm Post

Paz asked me for suggestions related to getting the FAA's part 107 certificate. If you're considering using a drone to add aerial videos to your resume' you'll definitely want to get this certificate. You can certainly make aerial videos for fun without the certificate, but as soon as you enter the for-profit arena, making those videos without the certificate becomes illegal and introduces the risk of some seriously significant penalties.

With that preamble, here's how I did it...

My first stop on the path to the part 107 certificate was www dot faasafety dot gov . There on the top row of the home page you'll find a link to a programmed-instruction course that provides an excellent introduction and overview of the certificate and how to get one. It also lists some essential resources you'll need as you prepare for the test. You'll need to create an account, but it's free and gives you access to a ton of free reference materials.

The test itself is actually geared toward folks who already have a pilot's license. You don't need a license to receive the certificate, but it sure helps. Here's a tip: the test is heavily slanted toward interpreting aeronautical charts. If you're not a pilot, be prepared to devote serious study to what are known as sectional charts. If you know a pilot, take them out for some coffee and let him or her help you get acquainted with them. I do have a PP license, and the test was still pretty challenging. Don't let this discourage you, though - lots of non-pilots are getting the certificate.

I took a course on Udemy dot com geared toward preparing for the test. I highly recommend it or one like it. If memory serves it was $49 - money very well spent. The test itself costs $150 and should take about an hour or so to complete. When you feel ready, you can sign up for the test here: www dot catstest dot com. Someone there will help you identify the nearest testing site (it will probably be located at a nearby airport).

I hope this helps. If you have any questions at all, either now or ongoing, please don't hesitate to ask.

All the best,
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Re: The FAA Commercial Drone Certificate

Offline - Super Moderator
Fri Oct 21, 2016 8:38 pm Post
Thanks for the great tip, Patrick!

I of course paid my $5 and got my Small UAS Certificate when I got my little drone -- but that's pretty small-time compared to the stuff you pros need.
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