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Creating high res video with Premiere El 7

Creating high res video with Premiere El 7

Offline - New User
Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:40 pm Post
I have a powerful computer (Intel quadra processor and 4 GB ram and 4 HDD's one for scratch, one for files etc). Trying to create a slide show with maybe 200 pictures at res 1600x1200. Have a blu ray burner and my TV supports those resolutions in its display. PE7 freezes right before starting to burn. I tried to create a movie in a folder, which PE7 does, for future burning with Nero, and I am concerned that the only way to do that is through DVD. When you select Blue ray and try to burn to a folder there is no such option. I am trying to use the burn to blu ray option thinking it will give me better resolution. Anybody knows if that is correct or choosing blue ray vs dvd makes no difference in the final output.
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Re: Creating high res video with Premiere El 7

Offline - Super Contributor
Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:01 am Post
eskneler wrote
When you select Blue ray and try to burn to a folder there is no such option. I am trying to use the burn to blu ray option thinking it will give me better resolution. Anybody knows if that is correct or choosing blue ray vs dvd makes no difference in the final output.

Blu-ray resolution is 1920x1080, SD DVD is less than half that.

You can''t burn Blu-ray to folder with PRE7, but you can burn a Blu-ray disc.

Once the disc is completed, you can burn an image of it to your HDD with whatever software came with your Blu-ray burner.

Once you've got the image, you can quickly burn as many copies of it to Blu-ray discs as you desire.

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Re: Creating high res video with Premiere El 7

Offline - New User
Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:07 pm Post
George: Thank you for your reply. Actually I probably did not express myself clearly but here it goes!: I am trying to burn to a folder first because every time I try to burn to a blu ray the coding goes almost to 99% the it stops. If I could burn directly I would not have to burn to a folder but somewhere I read that if one has this difficulty a workaround might be to first burn to a folder, the use Nero or similar to burn the movie to a blu ray. My project has around 200 or 300 photos of 1600x1200 resolution to better take advantage of blu ray and HDTV. It also has a couple of titles and several very short clips taken with a little camera that does video too (at a very low res). I actually in desperation imported my project into PE4 which is still active in the same computer (did not deleted it when I upgraded to PE7) and was able to burn a blu ray disk with excellent resolution. So PE4 does it but PE7 does not. Go figure.
Thanks for any other insight you might have.
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Re: Creating high res video with Premiere El 7

Offline - Super Moderator
Wed Jul 14, 2010 6:56 pm Post
Hi, Ed! Welcome to Muvipix!

In order to burn a BluRay file to a folder, you need to use some third-party software to create a 'virtual BluRay disc.' I forget the exact name of the program, but maybe someone here on the forum will remember.

On other solution -- since you're going to go to a third-party program anyway -- is DVD Architect Studio 5. It's available from Sony Creative Software for $39 if you download it directly from the site. (I think there's even a fully-functional demo available.)

I use it as a supplement to Premiere Elements. In fact, I wrote a book on version 4.5 -- which is identical to version 5, except that it doesn't include BluRay support.

Just output a hi-def MPEG from Premiere Elements (Share/Personal Computer/MPEG with the 1440x1080 preset) and it will load right into DVD Architect. As a DVD authoring program, it runs rings around Premiere Elements! (To see it demonstrated, go to our Products page and type 'DVD Architect' in the product search box. I've got a series of Basic Training tutorials for it.)

It's also remarkably stable and reliable. I've never seen it fail to produce a terrific quality BluRay or DVD -- and you, of course, have the option of outputting to a disc or to a folder on your hard drive.
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Re: Creating high res video with Premiere El 7

Offline - New User
Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:37 pm Post
Thank you Steve. Is hard to find which program gives better results, firts thing I do when I am considering one is to type the name followed by "problems' They all seem to have some. I bought PE7 way after PE8 was out, but because it had such a reputation as flaky I decided to go from version 4 to 7. I will try DVD architect.Hope is not much different than Premiere Elements because I am used to that program already. Also getting your book on DVD architect!
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Re: Creating high res video with Premiere El 7

Offline - Super Moderator
Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:43 pm Post
Wow! Pretty soon you'll have the whole collection, Ed!

As I said, have a look at my Basic Training with DVD Architect series of tutorials. You'll see that, although the program goes pretty deep, it's basic functions are very simple and very intuitive. I'm sure you'll love it.
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Re: Creating high res video with Premiere El 7

Offline - New User
Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:53 pm Post
Where is the Basic Training for DVD Architect?
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Re: Creating high res video with Premiere El 7

Offline - Super Contributor
Wed Jul 14, 2010 11:12 pm Post
Steve Grisetti wrote
On other solution -- since you're going to go to a third-party program anyway -- is DVD Architect Studio 5. It's available from Sony Creative Software for $39 if you download it directly from the site. (I think there's even a fully-functional demo available.).... ...-- and you, of course, have the option of outputting to a disc or to a folder on your hard drive.[emphasis added]

Whoa Steve! I'm interpeting your statement to mean that the program allows burning even a Blu-ray to folder.

If my interpretation is correct, then I can forget about moving from PRE7 to PP.

Thank you!

BTW, eskneler, if you download the trial you will see that the software has Show Me How tutorials built into the program. You tell it what you want to do, and it highlighs and/or points to the appropriate drop-down or button. That is VERY cool (but I'll probably get Steve's book anyway).

Then, once you've got the DVD burned to folder, there's a virtual remote control that you can use to see how it will look on your TV--before you actually burn the disc.

Thanks again, Steve.
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Re: Creating high res video with Premiere El 7

Offline - Site Admin
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Thu Jul 15, 2010 5:20 am Post
eskneler wrote
Where is the Basic Training for DVD Architect?

They're in the FREE section - http://muvipix.com/products.php?searchp ... 17&btn.y=6
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Re: Creating high res video with Premiere El 7

Offline - Super Moderator
Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:59 am Post
Thanks, Ron!
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Re: Creating high res video with Premiere El 7

Offline - New User
Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:51 pm Post
Steve: when you say in a previous message to :share..personal computer.. and do a MPGE with 1440x1080, and that will load directly into DVD architect... what is the actual process? Should have DVD architect open, then locate the file that PE7 created and open it? Or it would do it automatically? I am a beginner and things are not so clear.
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Re: Creating high res video with Premiere El 7

Offline - Super Contributor
Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:37 pm Post
Steve means export your HDV MPEG2 (1440x1080) to your desktop for example. Then open DVD Architect Studio and import it from your desktop. You can not load directly from Premiere Elements into DVD Architect.
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Re: Creating high res video with Premiere El 7

Offline - Super Moderator
Fri Jul 16, 2010 3:49 pm Post
Thanks, Paul. That's exactly what I was trying to say.
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Re: Creating high res video with Premiere El 7

Offline - Premiere Member
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Fri Jul 16, 2010 11:36 pm Post
George Tyndall wrote
Whoa Steve! I'm interpeting your statement to mean that the program allows burning even a Blu-ray to folder.
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Re: Creating high res video with Premiere El 7

Offline - Super Moderator
Sat Jul 17, 2010 9:28 am Post
Yes, DVD Architect Studio does allow burning BluRay files to a folder rather than directly to disc.

You do this by select the Prepare option rather than Burn when you Make DVD.
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