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Copy and paste

Copy and paste

Offline - Frequent Contributor
Mon Apr 04, 2016 10:06 pm Post
I am working on an introduction to a section of video we have finished. We have separate audio that we have inserted where we want it to be, and I am cutting short sections out of the finished video (without the audio) and inserting them into the blank section of video in the timeline. I can go to the video and copy a section by right clicking. I set the CTI in the proper spot in my introduction section and want to paste it there. But there is no paste function that I can find. Control V works, but that negates the ripple effect and messes things up when I get right to the end. I have figured out a work around for this one (done - finally!!) but would like it to be a lot easier for the others we have yet to do.

Is there a way to Paste something that is just a short section copied from elsewhere in the timeline without it being a separate thing in your project assets?

Thanks again for your help!
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Re: Copy and paste

Offline - Super Moderator
Profile  WWW 
Mon Apr 04, 2016 11:03 pm Post
Are you inserting the video into an existing video track or on a separate track? I guess that it isn't quite clear to me exactly what you are trying to do that isn't working as you expect or would like. You are copying a section from where and trying to paste it to where exactly? Just trying to get a better understanding so we can help you better.

Do you do any editing in the clip monitor? It is easy to extract sections of clips into their own assets that way, maybe something that can help.
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Re: Copy and paste

Offline - Moderator
Tue Apr 05, 2016 12:00 am Post
I agree with Chuck, it's not clear precisely what you are trying to do. Are you working in the Expert View Timeline?

The paste function should be accessible from the Edit menu. You can also use the keyboard shortcuts.

Keep in mind that there are two types of paste: "paste" (ctrl+v) and "paste insert" (ctrl+shift+v). "Paste" will place the copied segment on track 1 at the CTI location overlaying what's at that location. "Paste insert" will place the copied segment on track 1 at the CTI location and will cause the remainder of the track to move over.
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Re: Copy and paste

Offline - Super Moderator
Profile  WWW 
Tue Apr 05, 2016 9:16 am Post
Or you can paste to the end of the timeline and then move the clip to anywhere, or any track, in your project. Like Bob says above, there is a difference between Paste and Insert.
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Re: Copy and paste

Offline - Moderator
Tue Apr 05, 2016 11:00 am Post
If you have the ability to post a screen grab it would be easier to see what you are trying to do. Pasting video clips into areas where you have added additional audio tracks is always a bit tricky. A lot of time I just simply reduce the size of the audio to before the area I am pasting and then put it back when I am done.

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Re: Copy and paste

Offline - Frequent Contributor
Sat Apr 16, 2016 10:31 am Post
Sorry for not replying. I obviously didn't subscribe to this thread and got through that section so didn't check back. Looks like some good information here. Didn't know the control and shift and v short cut. That may make the difference. (All those "little" things that people who do this a lot know and I don't...)

Using the clip monitor is a good idea as well. I have more of these to do and these ideas will help a lot.

And now I'm really feeling stupid... There is no paste option using right click, but there is on the edit menu. Why didn't I see that then? (Sorry, really a computer ignoramus here..) But now that I know the difference between paste and paste and insert, things will go much easier!!

Thanks for all your help - again...
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Re: Copy and paste

Offline - Super Moderator
Profile  WWW 
Tue Apr 19, 2016 5:11 pm Post
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