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Dissolving text etc.

Dissolving text etc.

Offline - Frequent Contributor
Mon Nov 14, 2016 11:17 pm Post
Hopefully this one has an easy fix. I am using the basic one second cross dissolve between sections of the video. Sometimes I have overlying text or pictures at the end or beginning of some video sections that ends at the end of that section. If I put the cross dissolve on the text, it gives me a full second, not a half second, of dissolve, so they aren't dissolving evenly. Is there a way to get only a half second of dissolve so it matches the main video? (The program won't take .5 as an option. I can type it in but it changes to 1 second when I apply it.) Or is there something else I can do which will give the same effect?
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Re: Dissolving text etc.

Offline - Moderator
Tue Nov 15, 2016 1:30 am Post
Don't try to use the transition on the text. Instead, select the title and open the applied effects panel. Enable key frames for the Opacity property. Set one key frame to zero opacity at the point where you want the text to be completely faded out and set another key frame to 100% opacity at .5 seconds away from the other key frame.
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Re: Dissolving text etc.

Offline - Frequent Contributor
Tue Nov 15, 2016 1:34 am Post
Thanks Bob! That makes sense. I haven't done anything with opacity yet but at least I know where it is!

I assume this will work for the pictures as well.
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Re: Dissolving text etc.

Offline - Super Moderator
Tue Nov 15, 2016 9:16 am Post
You can set the default time for your video and/or audio transitions in the program's Preferences, on the General page.
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Re: Dissolving text etc.

Offline - Moderator
Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:47 pm Post
Alternate suggestion - don't know if you can do this on later versions - I've got a very old one. Create a new title - and then delete the text from the title. This will leave you with a piece of transparent video. If you put this next to the title that you're using then you can transition to it with the transition being in the right place and length.
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Re: Dissolving text etc.

Offline - Frequent Contributor
Wed Nov 16, 2016 12:22 am Post
Thanks for all the responses. I tried the different methods and they appeared the same to me as I watched them. I think the fastest one is making the key frames and fading out that way, so that is the plan.

Thanks everyone!
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