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Burning DVDs (Scutty)

Burning DVDs (Scutty)

Offline - New User
Fri Apr 22, 2016 11:54 am Post
Hello all, Scutty here - new member who has only read posts so far. Still struggling through PREL 13, and I don't know whether this belongs here or not, but here goes.

I bought Steve's book PSE/PRE book and read the paragraphs on burning DVDs and (obviously had to!) try it, and (predictably) got the Windows' "death" message at 98% completion several times, so decided to go the folders/ISO route. It didn't work the first several tries - I got disks but they wouldn't play. So I watched the ImgBurn tutorial, then re-tried but no luck. Since I'm a retired scientist, I decided that a little research was in order, so here's what I did. BTW, my set up is - Dell Inspiron 5748 laptop with a 2 GHz 4510U i7 Intel CPU, and 8Gb RAM running under Windows 10.1 (10.2?) OS.

If I go the AVCHD route to either an ISO or file/folder protocol and then burn the respective resultant files, both produce BVHD folders on the DVD, but neither will play (Sony Blue Ray - notoriously fickle machines I hear). However, if I choose "create image file from file/folders" then load the file from the numerically labelled file created by PREL 13, it then generates its own ISO file with the same #, and when I burn that using the "Write image file to disk" command, it works! The final BVHD files contain (essentially) the same sub-folder headings; the version produced directly by the WIFTD command which doesn't play, has 4 subs, BACKUP (with Backup, Playlist subs), CLIFINF, PLAYLIST and STREAM. The successful operation has an extra 4 subs, AUXDATA, BDJO, JAR and META,however none of them contain any files.

I used Memorex 4.7 Gb DVD-RW media.

Any comments or suggestions?

Thanks Scutty
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Re: avchd disc burn issues

Offline - New User
Fri Apr 22, 2016 3:01 pm Post
Re my previous post, that should of course read BDMV not BVHD

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Re: Burning DVDs (Scutty)

Offline - Super Moderator
Sat Apr 23, 2016 9:06 am Post
It sounds like you're trying a number of options here, so it's not clear exactly what type of disc you're trying to create.

Are you trying to create a DVD, a BluRay or an AVCHD disc?

A DVD is a standard resolution (720x480) disc, which a BluRays and AVCHD discs are high-resolution (1920x1080) discs. (AVCHD discs are BluRay video files that are burned to a DVD disc.) Neither BluRays nor AVCHD discs can be played on a DVD player, and many BluRay players will not play AVCHD discs.

Also, you say in your second paragraph that you " got disks but they wouldn't play". You'll need to be more specific there too. Where will these discs not play and how did you burn them? Simply saying you "went the folders/ISO route" doesn't tell us enough about what you're doing for us to be able to help you.

BTW, Welcome to Muvipix! If there's an answer to your question, you will find it here!
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Re: Burning DVDs (Scutty)

Offline - Super Moderator
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Sat Apr 23, 2016 10:47 am Post
Welcome to Muvipix :meet:
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Re: Burning DVDs (Scutty)

Offline - New User
Sun Apr 24, 2016 11:38 am Post
Thanks for getting back Steve.

I started this last night to try to better explain my problems in more detail, but a little voice kept telling me "Hey this is Windows, better check it out tomorrow" and it's just as well I did, as the Windows fairy must have visited my laptop overnight. Now I DON'T have ANY problems using ImgBurn to burn either the ISO or files/folders files to the Memorex DVD-RW discs under AVCHD protocol, and playing the disc on the Sony Blue Ray. I did however make 2 small changes, which, IMO, shouldn't have made any difference, but just in case, here they are:-

1. I incorporated a very simple menu - just one of my still pictures with a text title; before I had no title menu
2. I burnt the original PREL-generated ISO and files/folder files to an external WD HD instead of my laptop C:\ drive

I also removed a significant amount of material from the original movie just to make encoding/compiling faster - it's now only 470 Mb vs my original 1.4 Gb - but again I'm assuming that this shouldn't make any difference - yes/no?

Anyway I'll press on; thanks for your help so far, I'm sure I'll encounter more challenges as my projects become more complex. PREL isn't the most user-friendly beast is it? And it sure crashes a lot, even with my small file sizes - any suggestions re that?

BTW I also have Sony Movie Studio platinum and DVD architect (neither of which I've tried to learn since my 1st attempt after acquiring them about 2 years ago) however I noticed on your site that you have lots of tutorials and discussions etc. on those apps, are they any easier to use than (and/or superior to) Adobe's product?

Thanks again

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Re: Burning DVDs (Scutty)

Offline - Super Moderator
Sun Apr 24, 2016 2:15 pm Post
Every application has its advantages and its liabilities. But "better" and "worse" are relative terms. It depends on your workflow and how you like your timeline to look.

But check out our free 8-part Basic Training tutorial series. That should give you an idea of how the program works and if you'd prefer it.

BTW, I LOVE DVD Architect Studio! No matter which program I'm using to do my editing, I always author my discs in DVD Architect. Best $40 I've ever spent!
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Re: Burning DVDs (Scutty)

Offline - Moderator
Mon Apr 25, 2016 12:46 am Post
Just to say "Welcome to Muvipix" :meet: and to comment on your use of Memorex media.

Most of us here would recommend either Verbatim or Tai Yuden (sp) media as there have been many posts over the years where the media quality seems to add to disc creation woes.

Scutty wrote
I also removed a significant amount of material from the original movie just to make encoding/compiling faster - it's now only 470 Mb vs my original 1.4 Gb - but again I'm assuming that this shouldn't make any difference - yes/no?

Shouldn't really make a difference IMHO. If I remember correctly (and I am sure someone will correct me if my grey cells have failed on this point) the general guideline for DVDs is up to about 90 minutes of video on a single sided DVD, about twice that on a dual layer DVD before the quality starts to drop. By adjusting bit rate you can squeeze more video onto the media but it all depends on whether the resulting video quality remains acceptable.
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