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COVID19 in Maryland

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COVID19 in Maryland

Postby ed » Sun May 17, 2020 4:07 pm

I'm in one of the hotspots right outside of Washington DC, so we are still pretty locked down. I've been spending a day every weekend driving around Maryland, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania taking black and white film photos and developing. I've seen a change in behavior. At first I'd go through small towns that seemed to be living life as normal, lately I've seen more people wearing masks and keeping distance when sharing a street. Yesterday I went to a very cool town, Ellicot City (Google it and check out the flood storys), and it was packed. Most people were wearing masks and respecting personal space. I got curb-side pick up of rum from a local distillery!

What are things like were you live?
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Re: COVID19 in Maryland

Postby Steve Grisetti » Sun May 17, 2020 7:27 pm

I can't imagine living in the DC/New York area, ed! And I can't imagine how strict your lockdown rules were.

Here in middle America, in a medium-sized city, we were told to "stay home and stay safe". Restaurants and other gathering places were shut down and grocery stores and Targets and Walmarts stayed open (though they recommended wearing a mask). In Milwaukee we lost about 250 people, but that represents half the losses for the whole state. I believe the hospitals were able to handle the cases.

Since the stay-at-home order was rescinded, many people have gotten more lax. As the bars open, people are gathering -- and they're not wearing masks or keeping distances. On the other hand, most people are wearing masks in stores and respecting space.

So I don't think we saw anything like what you saw, ed. Things were inconvenient but I never felt like were had to lock ourselves in our homes. In fact, most days you could take a walk or a bike ride and see dozens of others doing likewise. Though we did keep our distance.

It was be interesting (Is that the right word?) to see what happens here as people let loose again. Especially as summer draws more people outside. I hope we don't get cocky and do things we'll later regret.
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Re: COVID19 in Maryland

Postby momoffduty » Sun May 17, 2020 8:20 pm

Ed, you are in the hot spot area. How is your work going on the tracing software? I think that is what you posted a few weeks back.

My daughter is a traveling nurse and has been stationed at a hospital in St. Louis county on a Covid floor. Still have patients, but not as many a month ago. Other daughter a nurse in St. Louis working in their telehealth dept. She was one of a few that set up the system.

We are in Illinois just east of St. Louis in a small town which is the east most region of what is referred to as Metro East. Missouri has eased its restrictions except St. Louis. In Illinois we are still in the stay at home phase mostly due to Chicago and people around here are either for it or very angry. We do instacart for groceries and a local produce market delivers. The last 2 weeks we went to the market since it is open air and go on Sundays right before closing. Only one or two people at that time of day. We wear masks and in general I think we are in the minority. But, haven't been out much.

We took a Sunday drive twice to a nearby town last month. Streets were deserted. I took photos of empty churches in that town and ours on Easter Sunday. Very sad.

I had to go to my dentist the other day for an emergency. I was asked on the phone prescreening questions about a dozen yes or no. The usual health questions and the other half Covid related. Got to the dentist and had to call them to unlock the door. A woman opened the door with a Clorox wipe. Right inside the door I had to stand on a circle and she took my temp and handed me a clipboard with the same prescreening questions. I had to initial each one. Like a double check system. I had to drop my pen in plastic box and hand sanitize up and on the wrists. Led to the room where the tech had a shield or googles with a mask, gloves, and paper gown, shoe coverings. When I was led up to the front desk afterwards there was another tech and patient coming down the hall. We had to go in a room as not to pass. At the counter plexiglass has been installed and yet another circle to stand on several feet away. The first woman opened the door for me to leave. Felt like something out of a movie. I was just there in March and so very different. I am glad they are taking precautions. It will be interesting to see what the specialist's office will be like on Tuesday. The root canal doc.

My husband has been working from home since March. His clients aren't allowing visitors yet. I don't know how long my husband's company will keep the outside reps at home. We are social distancing and wearing masks. The local daughter and the grands have been over outside to visit. Took photos from a distance. My husband and I and the pup took a walk at a local nature preserve last week. Signs everywhere about 6 feet and masks which we wore. Most at the area did have a mask.

Funny thing happened one time with Instacart. We had plenty of fresh veggies and meat so mostly what I ordered was snack food and wine. The guy shows up and I said oh the snack and wine guy is here. :fg: I have a table set up in the garage for deliveries. Had to give him my ID. First time I got carded in my own garage :)
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Re: COVID19 in Maryland

Postby ed » Mon May 18, 2020 6:50 am

That's funny mom. We've been doing instacart and Whole Foods deliveries. Our last one must have got delivered to someone else, but they took care of it. Glad to hear you are safe. My wife hasn't left the house in 3 months, she's very afraid of the virus. I think around here people are just starting to be non-compliant. I think that's why our governor decided to partially open the state this week. My county will remained closed though, possibly into June. The DC mayor floated staying closed until August, but I don't really see that being viable. Hopefully the hot weather when summer really hits will help slow down the spread.

I finished my part of the tracing contract - infrastructure and backend development. I don't get to get my hands into the weeds too much the last 5 years or so, so it was fun to be involved in the actual programming. It's passed off to junior staff now. We have three contracts for tracing starting this week.

Steve, glad to hear you are safe. Family out in California and Kansas have had about the same experience you have, which is great. I don't think I would go to a bar or restaurant right now though :)
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Re: COVID19 in Maryland

Postby Peru » Mon May 18, 2020 10:32 am

We are in northern NY, about an hour south of Montreal, another hot spot, but since the border is closed to all but commercial traffic, we are not affected medically. Economically, however, it it devastating. Many of our local businesses rely heavily on Canadian traffic. There are many Canadians that have second homes, vacation homes, and camps and will not be able to use them this year. Several businesses have already closed permanently.

Fortunately, our numbers are getting better and our region is now implementing Phase 1 of the plan to reopen. It does concern me since there seem to be many who do not follow the proper protocols and I fear that we will be worst off in another month if something doesn't change.

Our business, being designated as one of the essential businesses, has been open. We are not high traffic, so it has been easy to comply with the necessary procedures. Business is slower that it should be this time of year, but we consider ourselves fortunate that we are are to serve our customers with the care that this current crisis requires.
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Re: COVID19 in Maryland

Postby momoffduty » Mon May 18, 2020 10:47 am

Peru, forgot you are in NY. Sad that the businesses closed permanently. Restaurants in Missouri are open with less occupancy. My husband sells metal, mostly aluminum, and one customer has been busy making portable rooms and safe rooms. Another customer makes custom tables and counters, etc for the restaurant business. They are adding making framing & plexiglass to their product line.
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