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Zeiss created its own camera...with Lightroom CC capability

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Zeiss created its own camera...with Lightroom CC capability

Postby sidd finch » Fri Sep 28, 2018 10:07 am

This looks like an interesting new camera made by Zeiss.... I guess that will mean it is also expensive as well... :ha:

eiss has unveiled its first-ever digital camera, the interesting and exotic ZX1 compact. It has a full-frame 37.4-megapixel sensor and a fixed 35mm f/2.0 T* lens, putting it into exclusive company with Sony's RX1 and the Leica Q. The boxy body is distinctive, to say the least, with a triangular grip and bright yellow lettering on the lens and dials. Most notably, Zeiss teamed up with Adobe to build Lightroom CC into the camera, letting you shoot, tweak and share images.

It can shoot at 3 fps, a bit slow, but not bad considering the resolution and sensor size. Autofocus details are scant, but it works in both continuous and single mode. Zeiss said it designed both the lens and high-resolution sensor to work in harmony with each other to create images "with that typical Zeiss look." The ZX1 can also shoot video at 4K 30fps, and full HD at up to 60 fps.


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Re: Zeiss created its own camera...with Lightroom CC capabil

Postby Bob » Fri Sep 28, 2018 12:16 pm

Gives a whole new meaning to "straight out of camera." I wonder, if you shoot raw, does it put the adjustments into the metadata so you can tweak it later in Lightroom? I wonder what those photo contests that require unedited straight out of camera images are going to do.

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